Chapter- 3:Back to DMCH

Start from the beginning

"You did it first."I defend myself.

"That's true."She chuckled.

I couldn't believe when she'd told me about our first meeting in college.She told me that- at my first day in college she'd slapped me to complete a dare task that was given to her by the seniors .And  I'd given her a tight slap in response of her act .Later on our misunderstanding got cleared and we'd become friends somehow.It was something notable.I wish I could remember that time.

We continued our talks while walking towards the entry gate of our colleges.Kabeer , Simi and Umang had a lot of things to share with us.But we'd to parted away as we reached in front of the gate of our respective colleges.

In our group ,Khusbu and I was medical student and the rest of them was the students of finance or business management.They told Khusbu and me to wait for them in cafeteria during lunch time and then left.

Before entering through the entrance gate,I looked up and read the name of my college "Doon Medical College and Hospital "

A smile of joy lit up on my face.

"Let's go in."Khusbu said smilingly,placing her hand on my shoulder.

There were two gates to enter or exit the campus and everything was interconnected inside.

I nodded,took a deep breath and then entered through the first gate .

While walking onto the campus ,Khusbu gave a short description of the whole campus .I listened to her attentively while admiring the place.

The campus was huge; literally huge.And beautiful as well.On entering through the gate ,we'd come across OPD and IPD building first.Both of them was six storey building.Those buildings were crowded by patients,their relatives,nurses and doctors.

We moved further and walked past Administration building , central library and canteen .

After that we took few turns and  came across academic buildings.Each of them was three or two storied, surrounded by a picturesque lush green environment.Each building was given number.

We walked into building number 5( psychiatry department )where I was going to attend my first lecture today .Sadly Khusbu had no lecture with me today.

"Well, good luck."Khusbu said as I touched the handle of the door.

"I'm quite nervous.I wish I could have the first lecture with you."I said glumly.

"There's nothing to be nervous,just relax,okay?And don't be upset.Maybe we'll have some lectures together later." She said, sounded hopeful.

"Hope so."I smiled faintly.

"Okay,then.I'll get going .Take care .Bye "She said .

"Bye."I said and she turned to left.

"I'll see you at the lunch in cafeteria."she said over her shoulder and walked away hurriedly.

When she vanished from my sight,I took a deep breath and opened the door of the lecture room.The room was big enough with seats arranged in a straight row and a small central stage.

A tall, bald man in black formal cloths was standing on the stage already and I could guess that he was the lecturer of my first class.Seeing me standing by the door,He came to me and asked about my identify and I handed him the letter given by the dean .

After reading that letter he let me in and told me to introduce myself, standing on the stage.

I stood on the central stage and took the mike in my hand and started speaking , gulping down my nervousness.

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