it time to embrace your true power

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Rebekah and hope return home, exhausted they both go to bed but Rebekah says something " hope i know you want to go home but you have to be ready to give this all up " hope replies "whatever it takes to protect and help our family"
" be ready at seven sharp " rebekah says
Hope goes to her room
She goes to relaxs for a while and starts to think and sooner or later falls asleep
She begin to dream and she has a weird dream of a man wearing a suit covered in blood laying down sleeping it looked like and a light brown hair man with blue eyes in a casual wear talking to a beautiful woman brown hair and hazel eyes, and says how he will not let her win.......... her dream shifts to a different location they are no longer in a house they are in a cemetery there are two people their souls or spirit are in other peoples bodies. The man enters and asks what happened to his mother and he shows her( the video in the media section above)
"Do not refuse me out of some ancient spite" the woman says
"Ancient spite?! Hatred, a pure perfect hatred, that greater know then the first day o took your life" the light brown hair man with blue eyes said
" Why? After all I've done to explain to why must you persist.. she stops talking suddenly as the man grabs her throat and pushs her up against the wall
" you don't understand" she says while trying to grasp for air
"MY CHILD! He yells with so much anger
"Niklaus... I had too " the woman states she tries to use her power to make him weak
it doesn't work though..
"You declared war when you came after my family.. and for that i will make you suffer as only i can.. after all i am my mother's son" he states and throw her like she's nothing
After the flashs ends she states "he blames me for the death of his child"
"He's a fool your actions saves this family if that child lived.."
" Dayai would return and come for us all" she said

The dream shifts its seems to be a flashback in the mothers mimd
She is younger in this part of the dream a teenager or a lil older blonde hair blue eyes and pregnant with a child and standing next too a little boy
"Please do not do this" the young mother says
"You wanted a family, fate said otherwise so you came to me for a price i granted your wish .. And now i must collect " the woman in the dress with a hood said holding the little girls arm
" when Mikael returns from his journey i swear" the mother replies
" you will say freya grew ill and died" the woman holding the child says
"No dayai" the mother states
" and you were forced to burn her body to stop the spread of plague" dayai says
" sister please I cannot give up my child" the young mother says begging her sister
"You offered me more than this one child..our bargain was for first born and every first born of each generation that is to come for as long as your line shall last " dayai says
"If you do this, if you take my daughter i swear to you I will return to the blackards.. I will grow in power as a witch and i will make you pay!" She says as she threatens her
" your power is nothing against mine foolish girl, you knew the bargain you made and should you defy me. Then i will take all your children including little fin even unborn elijah " dayai threatens her little sister
" no dayai " she beggs
Dayai grabs freya and starts to walk off with her
"No!" The mother says
"MOMMY!!" Freya says
" no dayai ! freya please" the mother says while starting to cry
"MOMMY, MOMMY! MOM!! Freya says screaming
The young mother starts crying her eyes out
The flash ended (
Hope wakes up with a couple of tears its 6:00 am hope gets up in takes a shower and gets in workout clothes and blow dries her hair and puts in a high ponytail
Hope goes downstair in the kitchen to make a smoothie and while she was doing that she tries use her powers to get some water it worked
Rebekah saw and said" good job"
Hope jump a little "thanks"
" sorry if i startled you , you ready " Rebekah asks
"Its fine , yes " hope says
They head out to backyard, im going teach you to fight with some kinds of mixed marital arts "
An hour later
" c'mon hope, you can't do that when someone's attacking you" Rebekah says
"i cant fight my aunt" hope says
" c'mon don't think me as your aunt, think of someone who's hurt you " Rebekah said
" its hard to think that your parents child " Rebekah said
Hope becomes angry " what did you say "
" you heard me" Rebekah says
Rebekah tries to get hope but hope ducks and kick Rebekah butt and pins to her to ground
" woah i didn't think you had it in you " Rebekah says
" what did you think of "
" what you said, and my parents, my grandmother, every person who tried to hurt me, or let me go " hope says
"Hope i didn't..." Rebekah starts to say but is cut off
"Its fine Rebekah" hope says
" lets keep going " hope adds
3 hours later
"Look like you got the hang of everything , good job " Rebekah says
"Thanks im going to take a shower " hope says
After her shower again she gets dress in a blue flowy tank top with some black skinny jeans and some black converses
Rebekah walks in her room " you okay ?" Rebekah asks
" im fine, what is it "
"I have a friend waiting to see downstairs , she helps us learn how to use your magic and how you turn into a hybrid "
"Okay?" Hope says
They go downstairs
" hope this is Thea " Rebekah says introducing her niece to her witch friend
"Hello" thea says while shaking hope hand and thea sees a vision
" your gonna be a very powerful witch, I've never felts so much power in one girl or person " thea says
" sit come here " thea calls the girl they sits and start asking questions
"How come she isn't a hybrid yet " Rebekah asks
" she has die with both her parents blood in here and she will be transforming into a hybrid after that she must kill someone and drink a humans blood" thea says
" will i still be witch once i transform " hope asks
" yes your part witch from your grandmother line , amd her family has so much power thats why you will be so powerful" thea replies
" one more question was i suppose to die " hope asks
" yes but you didnt " thea replies
" thank you thea anything you can say to hope "
Rebekah says
" trust your instincts, you will your family salvation especially your fathers " thea says
She gives her a grimwar " learn to control your magic " it will help
"Oh and hope don't forget who you are " thea says while walking out
Rebekah goes to make a call
Hope goes upstairs
Rebekah calls klaus
" hello who's this?" Klaus says
"Im surprise you don't recognize your little sisters voice " Rebekah says
"Rebekah?! Whats wrong" klaus says
" nothing i just a vile of your blood and Hayley s " Rebekah says
" why ? How do i know this you?" Klaus says
" the last thing you told me is in spite of our differences Rebekah there's nobody i would trust more with my daughters life" Rebekah says
"It is you, why do you need it " hope says
Hope needs your two bloods in her system to being her transformation into a hybrid "
" is she ready sister " klaus says
"She is klaus, she asked a weird question today though "
"Which was ?" Klaus said
" she asked if she was really suppose to die " Rebekah said
" that doesn't seem right, she might know something " klaus said
"Maybe, she really misses her parents, she wants to come home " Rebekah says
" it is imperative that she cannot come home its more dangerous than ever " klaus says
" okay and make sure to send your blood ?"
" i will bye sister and i do miss her very much tell her please " klaus says
" i will don't worry niklaus " Rebekah says
Rebekah hangs up the phone
Hope is up stairs and when she walks into the door there is diary and a grimwar with anote let on it saying
You're gonna need this my little niece
Love ,
Rebekah walks in and see the diary and grimwar but she cant see what hope is reading
" where did you that from" Rebekah asks
" i dont know it was here when i came upstairs " hope says
" theres a note i thought it was from you but it says its from the little girl in my dream "
" what little girl hope ?" Rebekah asks
" her names freya ?" Hope says
" thats impossible she died before i was born " Rebekah says
" no she didnt in my dream.. Wait how do you know her " hope says
" hope she my sister.... " Rebekah says

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