A motherly side? Or just bossy?

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Little mayhem was walking through the streets of New York. a small blue flash came from an alleyway and mayhem was gone. The little mystic creature was now in April's apartment pulling on her shoe laces. "There you are mayhem!" The female exclaimed picking him up. "Did y/n find you? Where is she?" the girl had questioned her pet. The small creature then held up his paw playing a game of charades. "two words." the girl asked earning a nod from mayhem. Mayhem laid down playing dead in her arms."Dead man?" she asked, mayhem rolled her arm for her to continue. "Zombie? Skeleton?" mayhem nodded vigorously at the second one. "Ok skeleton, next?" mayhem grabbed her glasses, which she responded with "take? No took!" mayhem placed her glasses back on her face. April placed her hand on her chin "the guy's skeleton  friend took her?" April poundered, watching as her little friend in her arms, nodding. "I have to call them!"

Donnie sat in his lab playing around with his bo-staff. He looked up by the sudden crash behind him. He turned around to see Raph holding up his phone panting heavily. "April just texted me! Her friend was taken by that skeleton guy leo knows!" Raph gasped for air "i also destroyed your door." donnie sighed standing up "alright let's go help april." Raph and donnie ran over to mikey who was watching his favourite chef yell at someone. "Mikey! Get leo we're going on a mission!" Raph smirked at his younger brother. "Really a mission? Sweet let's go!" leo cried out from the half pipe. "How did you hear-" donnie asked before deciding he didn't want to know. "C'mon." Raph said and they all raced for the exit.

While running through the sewers Raph received another text. "April is really worried guys, but it's just hueso what could have happened...nothing right?" Raph asked turning his head to leo for an answer. "Hueso? No way!" leo confirmed, which calmed Raph a bit. "Alright!" Raph nodded climbing up a latter, his brothers following. Raph threw the manhole-cover off crawling out. Once everyone was out he placed the manhole-cover back over the sewer. Him and his brothers climbed up a fire escape tapping on aprils window. "Hey april we'll be on the roof" Raph hummed as they walked the rest of the way to the roof. Mikey sat on the edge swinging his legs, Raph and Leo were conversing while Donnie was hovering looking at his phone. April jumped down onto the roof and looked at her four mutant friends. "Well c'mon! y/n was captured we have to save her!" April huffed at her friends. Donnie dropped to the floor looking at april "did you just say y/n?" donnie asked which april confirmed with a nod. Donnie sighed and walked over to leo. "C'mon show us the entrance" donnie demanded earning a surprised look from leo. "Oh ho ho, is the emotionless tech dork asking for my help?" leo smirked which in return he got an annoyed groan from his twin. "C'mon leo this is no time for jokes april's friend is in possible danger." donnie stated folding his arms over his plastron. Leo sighed as he started running across the rooftops leading them to the trash-bin "you guys never let me have any fun." he mumbled. Leo jumped down into an alley followed by his brothers. "Here it is." Leo sighed reaching his arm into the side for the lever. "The secret entrance is in the garbage?" mikey questioned walking over to it. Leo pulled the lever and the portal opened. "Yep." before the turtles could say anything else april pushed them in the portal, followed by her.


The restaurant was nice, and so was hueso. He told you all about his skin- brother and his kid? Nephew? You weren't sure, but his name was hueso jr. earlier when you were brought here, all you did was give hueso a hard time. Of course he did deserve it for kidnapping you, but now you didn't mind all too much. It was beautiful down here, and the people aren't really mean to you either. Then again you were hiding in a cloak until you had reached the restaurant but no one was rude to you on your way here! In Fact currently you were working in the back baking some pastries and you received nothing but amazing compliments. If there were any nasty comments you wouldn't know, hueso only came to the back to tell you the good ones. The people down here are a little.. 'Stiff' around humans. They have every right to be, after all if I didn't know about the turtles and mayhem I would have freaked out! So, in conclusion you didn't mind baking in the back with the compliments you received from hueso. You looked up, pulling yourself from your thoughts, to look at the clock. "Is that really the time? Auntie will freak out if I don't get home soon." you whined, standing up. "Hueso? Is the cost clear?" you asked from behind the door. "Yes i just closed up shop. You can come out now." he responded, you walked out and smiled at him. "Promise to keep this a secret? I can't have the turtles find me here, especially now that someone knows my identity." you sighed adjusting the waitress outfit he let you borrow due to your other clothes being- shredded. "Of course your secret is safe with me "casey" but i'm positive mayhem won't tell them you're casey, if mayhem had told april, he probably just use your regular name." he hummed handing you your duffle bag. "Thank you, it's been a lot of fun!" you replied as he leads you to the door. "I'll take you back to your motorcycle and then you head straight home you hear?" hueso asked, sounding like a parent. You nodded placing your hand on the door handle. "I promise-" you hummed as the door pushed open. Causing you to stumble slightly. You looked up and gasped, it was them! You held up your hands before april appeared out from behind them. "April?!" you questioned, you had to praise yourself slightly for how great your acting was. "y/n!" April called out running over to you. She hugged you tightly, while you watched her friends do their own things. Mikey ran off to the kitchen, leo and donnie were yelling at hueso and raph was waving at you. "Wait-" you gently got out of April's grasp running in front of hueso to defend him. "Hey! Don't yell at him!" you huffed causing the twins to look confused. "But didnt he kidnap you?" Leo questioned with you replied with "well no but-" you were interrupted by donnie. " but what? He kidnapped you." he huffed folding his arms again. "But I didn't mind" you hissed catching the attention of everyone else. "He was kind to me, and so was everyone else I've met so far! And i don't know where you're getting your information but i agreed to coming, so he didn't kidnap me." you sighed, placing your hands on your hips as you continued to scold them. "And he was paying me to bake for his customers without cost for using his ingredients! Where are your parents? Aren't they going to be worried if you're out this late? And look at what you did to huesos door! The place is a mess now and you know who's going to clean it up?"  you spat handing them each a cleaning supplies, as a smirking hueso stood behind you watching them.

After the turtles had cleaned up mikey walked out with a plate of cupcakes. "You guys have to try this!" he chimed, each of his brothers and april grabbing one. Their eyes lit up when they took a bite. You giggled as donnie proceeded to grab two more. A few compliments and thanks were shared, some even made you blush. "Oh stop it! Just eat the cupcakes" you turned around cupping your cheeks to hide your blush, maybe they weren't so bad after all...

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