•5: Shit down•

Start from the beginning

He looked at his watch and back to the smiling
vampire and rolled his eyes again.




Jeonguk sighed looking annoyed at his mate who was drinking hot choco made by his secretary. It has been fifteen minutes since they were left alone in his office.

Though Jimin was against the idea of leaving them alone, he knew he has no choice.They needed to talk about some things on their own but..fifteen minutes had passed and Taehyung said nothing,just sipping his hot choco while Jeonguk was sitting accross him on the other couch getting impatient every second passing.

"This is so delicious ! "

"This is not a cafe."

"Tch. Can't I just peacefully enjoy this hot choco?"

"No. Now talk and stop wasting my time."

"First, rude. Second, okay I'll talk since I finished this delicious drink but I prefer drinking your blood though."

Jeonguk's eyes widen and his body became a little
stiff hearing that sudden statement. It reminded him of the unexplainable feeling when Taehyung sucked his blood that night.

"Okay. Let's do introductions!"

Taehyung exclaimed and Jungkook furrowed his brows but decided to talk for the sake of wanting to
finish their talk as soon as possible.

"I'm Jeon Jeonguk. 23, a true blood, CEO of Jeon Corporation and probably the next head Alpha of our pack if my dad won't kill me."

"I know." Taehyung said witha grin.

"You kno-wait. Yeah. How did you find me?"
Jeonguk asked.

"I did some research." Taehyung replied.

"So why mention to do introductions?" Jeonguk
responded, irritated and probably losing 10% of his
patience per minute.

"Cause you don't know me smartass." Taehyung
said in a 'duh' tone as he rolled his eyes.

"You didn't even try to find your own mate. I even waited y'know. I couldn't take it so I-"

"So you just barged in my office and how the hell
did they even let you in wearing that?" Jeonguk
asked and looked at Taehyung wearing an over
sized shirt with holes, baggy pants and sandals.

"Shut it. These are comfortable unlike your suit
and oh! I remembered that you shred my gucci
which I still mourn over."

Jeonguk released a long sigh. He can't believe that
the mysterious, alluring, beautiful, seductive man he saw that night is actually the same man right in
front of him. What happened?

"I swear you were so fuckable that night."
Jeonguk mumbled to himself.

"By the way, I'm Kim Taehyung. A royal blood and the one and only vampire prince. I'm 24 so that means I'm your hyung. I'm helping in running
our business as well." Taehyung stated.

"Also, I am fuckable." He continued with a sly smirk on his face and Jeonguk just scoffed, knowing that Taehyung heard what he said earlier.

"Okay, So, Mr. Kim-"


"Mr. Ki-"

"Just call me Tae.

"Taehyung." Jeonguk growled, heat rising clearly
not from lustful desire but from desire to murder.

Accidentally yours.by-JeonTaeTrash [Kookv](republished)✓Where stories live. Discover now