Emma kept the smile. It felt nice to be complimented like this. Not many people know her secret. Peter knows. Happy knows. Pepper knows. Morgan knows. Steve knows. Natasha knew. Tony knew.

Emma glanced over and noticed the quiver filled with arrows and the bow resting on Lila's back. Lila seemed to have picked up on Emma noticing her archery stuff.

"Oh- Oh this, yes um- I keep asking my dad to practice. Archery is fun. And doing it with my dad makes it more fun." Lila says.

Emma kept a smile, "I bet you two are really close." She says.

Lila nods, "Oh yes we are!" She says smiling, "I bet you're really close to your dad-."

Then the mood in the room shrunk down to a depressing feeling. Emma's smile falls flat. Lila realized it and then began to panic. Cooper turns from the video games with curiosity on how the situation was going to unfold.

Just then the screen door opened.

"Lila," It was Clint, "I see you've met Emma."

Emma glanced behind her to see Clint. He looked much better than the last time she saw him. It was at her father's funeral but still.

Clint glanced over to Cooper and Nathaniel, "Boys, have you met Emma yet?"

"Yes dad," Cooper says going back to his video games.

Clint watched Cooper play his video games and Nathaniel sitting next to his brother. Clint's eyes wonder over to Lila, noticing her bow and arrows.

"Are you wanting to practice?" Clint asks.

Lila's eyes lit up, "Can we?"

Clint shakes his head, "We have company." He says.

Emma saw Lila frown a bit.

"Clint," Emma says to him, "I can watch. I think its cool you do this with Lila. Plus maybe I can give it a go."

Lila got excited, "Oh yes, please!" She turns to her dad.

Clint let out a chuckle, "Oh okay then." He then steps by the stairs, "Laura, the girls and I will by outside!"

"Alright, hun!" Laura yells from upstairs.

Lila was outside first. Leaving Clint and Emma walking out the house next. Clint glanced over to Emma and noticed Emma responding to a text message. A frown and a sigh escaping her lips.

"Everything okay?" Clint asks.

Emma glanced at Clint, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be okay?"

Clint gives her a look, "Do I really need to answer that question?"

Emma halts walking and Clint does the same. The two stand there in silence for a moment.

"Peter and I haven't been seeing eye to eye for a while now," Emma says, "Almost every time we talk or text it always seems to go into a fight."

"A fight?" Clint asks, "I never expected that between you two."

Emma shrugs, "He is acting like he has some sort of death wish. He's throwing himself into more and more danger. He's fighting crime twenty-four seven." She says and then sighs, "He came over to the penthouse one night covered in broken glass and bleeding- and then we had a fight."

"Are you still together?" He asks.

Emma frowns at him, "I think so." She says, "I understand his need to continue with my dad's legacy but- at his rate-."

Young Avengers: Legacy [3]Where stories live. Discover now