232 14 94

12/1/19, finished on 11/30/19

1254 words

yeah, i'm leaving. about time, too. i have planned this for a while. my decision is final.

"why?" someone will ask. there's not just one reason why. i'll break it down.

also, i curse. i was real mad when i started writing this. deal with it.

1. school. damn, i hate it so much. but i want to be the best i can be academically and wattpad and discord are hindering my progress. i don't underperform, that's not who i am. i got my first C on the first quarter, i'm missing too many assignments. i need to figure it out, and fast.

2. people. i don't know why, and i'm not calling anyone out, but some people on this site tick me off. seriously. i get angry very easily, and on a site where irritating, trivial asshats breed like rabbits, i don't do well.

3. health. there are moments where i actually feel homicidal, when i'm really upset and mad at everyone including myself. i hit things, i hit myself... i remember feeling like i sprained something once because i hurt myself so bad. i need to take care of myself before i actually do something stupid.

point is, i have shit to sort out and i have no time for wattpad and discord. i'll give myself a year. if my sorry ass doesn't come crawling back here on 12/1/20, assume that i got a life.

i hate and love this site so much. i remember when i first got into it two years ago. and i somehow made friends. now i have to leave them all...


in no specific order.

- sunny, crat__
- sky, SkyfireofLostclan
- dusk, royalmilktea-
- marigold, Comrade-Marigold
- rose, BloodyR0se

you're such a good friend. seriously. you don't give yourself enough credit. remember that no matter how many times i berated you and called you dumb, you mean a lot to me. you listen, you give advice, you're so caring. i can't fully describe what i think about you because it's not very simple, but i'm so, so grateful that i got to meet you. also, thanks for going down the beautiful road that we call jojo, i appreciate it because the series means so much to me.


thank you too! i'm extremely thankful for you also. thanks for comforting me and making me laugh sometimes with your antics. i hope your condition at home improves and that your little bro is okay. take care of yourself, and sunny too! she cares a lot about you (promised not to show screenshots, but she was very nervous and happy when you first started dating) and i can see why. you deserve her because you always look out for me and other people. i respect that.

where do i begin, lol? not only are you a great writer and roleplayer, you're an amazing friend. seriously, you're so dang talented... and you probably hear that all of the time, but i genuinely mean it. you're hilarious, your characters are iconic, i just can't forget you. thank you for always trying your best to help me and offering support whenever you could. #monterftw.

comrade, you're my son and my friend, and someone i really care about. i don't talk to you about my personal life very often, but i've had fun talking about our OCs, arach and xibalba, and most importantly: JOJO! when you got into it, i was a very happy weeb indeed. if anyone messes with you at school, home, wherever, i will manifest as your stand and beat them up.

lange nicht gesehen! i remembered that just for you, be proud of me. thanks for talking to me, sharing your experiences with me, and listening to me as well. you were also my shield when i was too scared to confront people head-on, and i'm sure that that's what made me into a person that can do that now. we don't talk as frequently as we used to, and i already told you i was gonna leave a while ago, i hope you deal with it well and i didn't leave you with no one to talk to.

sad, i gotta go so soon after you (FINALLY) come back. i know you IRL, so this isn't really a goodbye. you got my back, i got yours. i'm glad that since we first became friends, that's how it's been. and nothing is going to change that. if you ever start more things here, good luck!

storm Comrade-Storm
take care of marigold for however long you'll be together and continue being a stupid rat :)

phoenix Frosted_Lilacs
good luck in college, and anything you decide to do later. cherry donuts.

awe Awe_Da_City
IHG is awesome. i really enjoyed participating in IHG5 and 6. keep improving as a writer! i can't continue the wiki (or memes 😭) now, maybe someone else will think of doing it.

rawr Rawr_Chiold
bye, now i will be the one being replaced in command games ;^( i enjoyed plotting world domination. also, get past stardust crusaders, you dang sloth.


so, i've said why i was leaving, said bye to my friends, now what? idk, i leave? i will be on discord and wattpad for the rest of the day until 1 AM on 11/20/19. not to pressure anyone, but i will not be available after that. i'm in EST.

i doubt i'll be on discord past 10:00 PM so after that, you'll have to message me on wattpad.

i will not come back on every week or a few days to check in, that defeats the purpose of this. i may not even come back in 2020, i bet all or most of my friends will be gone too.


wow, this is so sad. alexa, play sono chi no sadame. i didn't want to end this in a gloomy way, so this Q&A is here. you can ask me anything until 1 AM, but you cannot ask me about...

1. my name.
2. my address.
3. my age.
4. personal details about my family.

there may be more, and you will be told if your question crosses the line.

ending note

it's going to be impossible to say "hey, don't feel sad!" to some people or "hEY, FEeL soMeTHiNg" to others. i got emotional writing this, all sad and stuff. ew. i'm not even that upset now, but it's still a bit sad.

if you won't miss me, you don't know who i am, that's chill! seriously. i harbor no hard feelings. and please, don't feel like this is your fault. i'm doing this for my own good. it's not easy but i'm doing it.

by the way... i need only one person to ask me this: baby carrots or big boy carrots?
every time someone has a Q&A, this is the first or only question i ask. yet, no one has asked me.

i can't believe i'm doing this, but i am. i never pictured myself with so many friends, followers, or happiness when i first started wattpad.

i want to be able to look back on this decision and say "wow, look at me now!" i love some people here like family. please don't dwell on it for too long, i don't want anyone to beat themselves up over this. i want people to be happy. if you're sad, can you promise me that you'll try that?

("goodbye," italian)

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