i need some reasons WHY

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why in the world did 13 reasons why get a third season

wasn't it only supposed to go off the book? it should be over... now it's like a fanfiction lmao

i shouldn't expect much from a netflix original...

kind of a rant thing but i don't want to call it that, that doesn't fit. just my opinion, y'know?

sensitive stuff below

soo the second season ended with someone almost shooting up a school but they got talked out of it. which is VERY, VERY realistic as everything can be solved with words, yes?

now this season trailer showcases that same kid casually in school... hard to believe that the guy that talked him down didn't say anything about him wanting to hurt multiple people.

and someone died. [ can i say that word? ] so, there's that. now it's going to become a murder mystery? can't wait. what does this series want to be, a thriller, a highschool drama, or a detective show?

what in the world does this have to do with hannah? is clay gonna make out with her ghost or something and have that be a major plot point? i don't know that to think anymore...

yeah, i'm going to sit down and watch the entire season. maybe it's better than the last two, who knows? i feel like 13RW is going to end up like riverdale, a show that doesn't know what to do anymore but has to keep pumping out seasons just because.

the show got in big trouble [ and rightfully so ] for romanticizing mental illness. i hope the creators have learned their lesson. knowing them though, i have a feeling that a death is going to be shown with way too much detail.

like that scene in the bathtub. and, that other scene in another tub. and that scene in the bathroom... everyone talks about how the tub scenes were bad but not the bathroom one... all of them were horrible, definitely, but why does that one get excluded? because it was a dude? does that make it not matter anymore?

one of the scenes did get edited out, but that doesn't change the fact that it existed in the first place. the decision to remove it was only made after they came under fire for it, which is absurd.

hannah took her life in the scene, and i have no idea why they decided to show it in the first place. "hannah did it, i can do it to." to brutally oversimplify, that could be going on in a lot of viewers' head. it definitely got into mine, since i've had these thoughts before.

 it definitely got into mine, since i've had these thoughts before

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


yeah, can't wait for the third season.

somethingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें