Your lips...

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Zoe, Harry, and myself are sitting on the carpet in her basement trying to figure out what to do.

Harry is leaning back, supporting his weight on his palms which are planted to the floor behind him. His head it tilted back, along with his eyes being closed.

"Claire?" Zoe waves her hand in front of my face, drawing me out of the trance I was in, and I hear Harry laughs when I look at Zoe and let out a confused 'what.'

"You zoned out." Zoe laughs and pulls out her phone, putting it on her lap.

"I'm tired." Harry whines and lays down on the carpet, his head resting in my lap. I brush his hair out of his face and smile at him.

"My dad put your stuff in the guest room if you want to take a nap. The jet lag must suck." Zoe offers and hugs her knees to her chest.

"That sounds terrific." Harry mumbles and intertwines our fingers.

"Love, you have to get up if you want to lay in bed." I laugh and he takes his sweet time getting up, then helps Zoe and I stand up afterwards.

"Zoe, do you just wanna go into town for a little while?" I ask as we all walk upstairs, and she eagerly nods her head.

We get Harry into the guest room and I kiss him on the cheek, earning a sleepy smile.

"I'll be back later." I tell him and walk downstairs where Zoe is waiting by the door with her car keys. I've never driven in a car with Zoe before so I'm excited to see if she has hardcore road rage or not.

"I don't have my license yet." I tell Zoe as we drive down the road, the radio playing just low enough that we can hear each other over it.

"I thought you said you were driving Harry around town earlier." She glances at me before pulling onto the freeway.

"I did. He trusts me enough to let me drive him I guess." I laugh and see her smile to herself.

"He really cares about you, Claire. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you, there's so much love. It's the same way you look at him. You're always smiling at the smallest things he does. I know you've 'loved' him for like four years but now it's so much more. You're head over heels." Zoe reaches over with one hand and pats my knee.

I smile and brush my hair behind my ear before answering her. "Everyone thinks they know him, and in some ways they do. Harry is the sweetest guy I have ever met. He has so much love for everyone and everything, and me. He's so compassionate with me, always doing the sweetest things for me. I have no idea how I managed to get his attention and earn his love but I'm so grateful. I love him so much." My smile is huge by the time I finish my sentence and Zoe is pulling off the freeway and into a mall parking lot.

"I think you just like kissing him." Zoe nudges me in the side, then climbs out of the car and waits for me to do the same so we can go inside.

"I'll tell you this; first kiss with him was one of my favorite feelings ever." I blush as we walk into Forever 21, where we both go straight to the clearance section. It's a tradition.

"You never told me about it." Zoe sticks her tongue out at me and pulls a pink sweater off the rack, examining it closely before putting it back.

"We'd flirted in the days leading up to it, and we were on the way back from June's and in the driveway I leaned over to kiss him. He and I had been really touchy feely that day and before he could kiss back I pulled back and ran upstairs. He chased me, literally pinned me against the door, and kissed me. Niall walked upstairs and broke us apart." I laugh at the memory of Niall's reaction and grab a cute dress off the rack.

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