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Songs for this chapter-

Where the boys are by Ariana Grande (I just choose one from my playlist since I didn't have one.)

Claire!" Iris squeals and pulls me into a hug, which I awkwardly accept.

"Hi, Iris." I smile weakly and put the straw between my teeth.

"I see your 'friend' dropped you off?" Iris puts air quotes around 'friend' and I roll my eyes discretely as I nod.

"So it's true, you got it good with One Direction." Iris smiles devilishly and taps her perfectly manicured nails on the table. Iris is undoubtably gorgeous, there's no argument there. She's pale, but has jet black hair that always falls in waves and end right above her collarbone. A button nose, face framing eyebrows, and a smile that lights up a room. Pretty girl.

"Is that why you called me?" I scoff and take a sip from my straw.

"Why else would I?"

"That was a little rude, don't you think?"

"I didn't mean it like that." She frowns and slumps in her seat, hurt flashing through her eyes.

"Then what did you mean? Because to me, it sounded like you're just using to me to try to meet them." A sarcastic smile crosses my face, my body standing from my sitting position.

"I'll just call Harry and ask him to come back. Bye." I wave and take my phone out of my pocket.

"Sit down, Claire. I just want to talk."

For some reason I actually listen to her and sit back down, crossing my arms.

"Look, I just want to be your friend. I don't know why you're being such a bitch." Iris pushes her hair back and huffs, my eyes widening at her choice of words.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Iris. It's not like you ruined my life for three years, ignored me for six months, then miraculously wanted to get to know me once I get adopted by a celebrity. In my defense, you're the bitch here, and you're being shallow."

"Do I look like I even like One Direction? Or Little Mix?" She's right. All she wears is flannels, rock shirts, and skinny jeans. Black nail polish and grunge everything. I'm not all that different though, to be honest.

"Do I? We dress the same."

"More like you and Harry dress the same." She laughs lightly and I smile, laughing along with her.

"He picked out my shirt and put his beanie on my head, it's not my fault."

"But really, Claire. Just give me a chance, we have a lot more in common than you think. Two weeks, that's all I want." Iris tries to reason with me. I don't know if it's because I want to go home or if she sounds sincere, but I sigh and nod my head.

"Two weeks, that's it. You have one chance. If you mess up and do something bad to me, it's done."

"Really? Oh thank you!" she squeals again and stands up, pulls me up too, then hugs me.

"I hate to break this up, but I've had a long day and I'd like go home. Could you give me a ride?" I ask nicely as I gather my belongings.

Iris agrees and we scurry out to her car, getting in and driving off once I give her the address.

We make small talk to entire ride, basically just learning small things about each other. Before I know it she's pulling into my driveway and putting the car in park.

"It sucks that you're switching schools, I actually like hanging out with you." Iris sighs and turns her head towards me.

"We can hang out again soon. I'll come over or you can. Just text me when you're free and we'll figure it out." I send her a small smile before jumping out of car and bounding up the front steps and into my front door.

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