What was he like?

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Songs for this chapter-

Kiss You by One Direction

Daddy's little girl by Frankie J

"Here's your schedule, love. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow." The secretary grins and hands me the white slips with my classes on it, which I gladly take. I chose to take psychology which is very exciting for me, although Zayn says I should've chosen Dance instead. Harry says wood shop would've been cool. Perrie's happy with my choice though.

We all walk out of the office and I huff, seeing about fifteen teenage girls waiting outside. They all start screaming and I stand back, letting them scream at my family and best friend, crying and taking pictures. They deserve to meet them.

"Claire!" I hear a voice yell and my head snaps up to see a girl walking towards me.

"Um, yeah?" I shove my phone back into my purse and look at her scowl.

"Why the hell are you-" she begins but I cut her off, rude I know, just I don't care.

"Don't start." She seems hurt by my tone, making me raise an eyebrow at her.

"Why the hell are you so pretty, Claire. It wasn't going to be an insult. I was trying to throw you off." She laughs and I relax, taking a picture with her and she gives me her number, telling me to text her.

It was weird that she wanted a picture with me, but I'm not going to deny her.

Harry and I find our seats in his car and we follow Zayn and Perrie out of the parking lot, heading across London to pick up the few boxes of my things that Miss. June packed up. I told her I would come back during the weekend, but that woman insisted. Reason number 38281 to love her.

"So I have a question." Harry says while putting on his blinker and taking a right turn.

"I'm listening." I shut off the radio and look at him. He look exceptionally good today. A Rolling Stones T-shirt hugs his torso perfectly and his normal black jeans look great against the white shirt. His hair is pushed back and kept in place with a green beanie that matches his eye color perfectly.

"When I asked if you had a favorite band member, you said you might. Which basically means you do. Who is he?" He glances at me quickly, making sure not to take too much attention from the busy road.

I can't just tell him that it's him, he'll think I'm weird. Or just lying since we're closer than I am with the other boys besides Zayn. Then again, he does flirt here and there and he does try to hug me a lot. Oh, who am I kidding, I think punching someone in the shoulder without the intention of hurting them is flirting. Looking at someone for more than three seconds is flirting.

I don't flirt much.

"You." I accidentally blurt and immediately cover my mouth, closing my eyes in hope he didn't hear me. Why did I even say that? I was thinking about hitting and flirting, not Harry.

"Oh really?" The cockiness in his voice is evident and the smirk on his face is egotistical.

"Don't get a big head, Styles." I lightly push his shoulder with my hand and he just shrugs, his smirk still there.

The rest of the car ride is filled with playful banter back and forth about my confession, Harry teasing about me loving him, and I teasing about his ego.

I've spent the past three days with him, and every second is amazing, and I'm so grateful.

So very grateful for the sweet compliments, playful fighting, little hugs, and the way anything he says makes me fight a smile. Harry is truly better than I ever thought when I followed his and the other four boys lives. It may be a little too soon to tell but I really like him. Everything about him. His smile, his beautiful laugh, his voice, the way his eyes twinkle when he talks about something he enjoys, his optimism. He's amazing.

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