Part 1: Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

As Chris stepped closer to Ethan, his laugh was still dying off and a glint shone in his eyes.

“Yeah, I think I can see that.” Chris replied, his eyes trailing down Ethan’s body. Ethan didn’t even glance down at the apron that rested at the front of his chest, thighs, and around his hips, but he knew it was what Chris was referring to. Chris was still smiling and Ethan found himself smiling along. “So, why exactly are you being so ‘domestic’ and cleaning the bathroom?”

Ethan snorted and went to start packing away the supplies. Chris was quiet, silently watching Ethan as he worked. Ethan began to get uneasy at the attention, becoming hyper-aware of everything he did. Was his hair alright? Was he bending over weird? Were his pants stuck up his ass? Oh God, his pants were totally stuck up his ass!

“Isn’t it obvious?” Ethan asked, speaking to get the attention away from his butt. Whether Chris had actually been looking at it or not, Ethan couldn’t give him another opportunity to see that. “It’s a lunch punishment. A step up from the detention I was supposed to get since it won’t stay on my record.”

“Wow.” Chris said, a look of surprise on his face. “You weren’t kidding with the whole trouble-maker thing.”

Ethan had to laugh at the idea. Trouble maker? If anything, he was a bad attention grabber, getting the class’ attention in the worst way possible at the worst times possible. But he rarely got in trouble. How could a teacher punish someone for being cringe?

But Ethan didn’t say any of that, he stuck with shrugging his shoulders and leaning against the cleaning cart. 

“I guess I wasn’t.” Ethan hummed, his voice dropping lower into a mutter. Without meaning to, his focus had shifted from Chris’s eyes to his lips, which were currently being gnawed on. It was a very tempting sight, and his eyes glazed over a bit as he continued to stare. 

Chris looked away from Ethan, continuing to bite at his lip in thought. Ethan watched him, curious as to what he was thinking about. Chris looked back at him, and Ethan blushed a bright red. He didn’t seem to realize that Ethan had been staring, but Ethan felt as if he had just been caught.

Chris chuckled while he still had a bit of a nervous look in his eyes. Ethan ducked his head but peaked up at Chris a bit, still curious about what he would say. Chris scratched the back of his neck and grinned down at Ethan.

“I have to go back to lunch. Aaron wanted to vent about the Scarlett situation and I came here to get a break, but he’ll get suspicious if I take any longer.” The smile that had danced on Chris’s lips fell off, and his eyes widened comically as he realized what he said. “Shit, I wasn’t supposed to say that. I really have no idea why I just told you about that, I’m sorry.”

Ethan shook his head, chuckling at the slight panic of Chris’ face.

“Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind.” Ethan told him, his smile widening when Chris seemed to relax. “And I won’t tell anyone else either.”

“Thanks.” Chris sighed in relief, his eyes meeting Ethan’s thankfully. “So, could I get your Instagram? I don’t know if I would remember to ask later.”

Ethan’s mind reeled, his brain sputtering with all the new information. Chris wanted his Instagram? Like, to follow him. He was so close to telling the darker-skinned man when he remembered what his Instagram was like. Elementary photos, gross things he saw on the street, his face covered in his mom’s face mask-

“I don’t have Instagram!” Ethan’s eyes went wide the moment the words left his mouth. He had blurted them out because of panic, but he couldn’t take the words back now. Chris deflated slightly, and Ethan wanted to curse himself from two seconds ago. 

“Oh, I see.” Chris replied, a disappointed but understanding smile on his face. Ethan mentally screamed. He had just screwed up his chance to be in contact with Chris Davis. What in the world was he thinking? Ethan was about to create a list of all of the things he could do to at least get Chris’ Instagram, but Chris was speaking again. “Can I have your phone number, then?”

Ethan couldn’t say yes fast enough. Ethan rattled off his phone number so quickly that Chris had to ask him to repeat it two times. The third time, he just had Ethan type it in himself. Chris quickly sent him a text, and Ethan beamed at the idea of seeing a text from Chris when he got his phone back from the office.

Chris looked up from his phone and smiled kindly at Ethan. Ethan ate up the attention like a sponge, enjoying this interaction for too much. Chris was moving closer again and Ethan’s body went rigid at the proximity.

“So, I guess I’ll see you later.” Chris said, speaking softly as he looked at Ethan from under his curly lashes. As Chris said this, he reached out to nudge Ethan’s arm, the space that his hand reached burned into Ethan’s mind. 

Chris began to walk away and Ethan just barely managed to whisper bye as the black man left.

Ethan waited for several moments. When he was sure that Chris wasn’t close enough to hear anything that he said, he screamed loudly. Ethan was jumping up and down and punching the air for a solid minute before he abruptly stopped. He adjusted his shirt and hair and fixed his face into a cool expression before he left the bathroom. 

Ethan didn’t finish cleaning early that day. Despite his best efforts, he became terribly slow because all he thought about Chris the entire time.


Third Chapter! 

How exciting.

I’m loving the interactions between Chris and Ethan. They’re coming out better than I thought they would so that is really great. 


Now, do we believe Chris’ reason for the phone number?

What event do you guess I will recap next? (This applies more to those who read the first book)

To be honest, I am still deciding which event I will write about next, but we’re going to try to just keep a good tempo.

Extra: Sorry once again for forgetting that these were finished months ago.

One last question

What do you think of the flashback approach so far? Good or bad?


Vote, Comment, Share, Follow, anything else you can do with this book and I will see you next Chapter.bye!!!👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾

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