Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: 

Junhoe spaced out in his room while planking on his bed. He was staring at his phone screen while wiggling his toes. He pouted and buried his face in the bedding again.

"Ahh! So annoying!" He muffled.

It's been a week since the festival and he was frustrated of Jinhwan. He's been avoiding him ever since the Poetry night and he has no idea why. He will only say 'hi' or 'bye, I gotta go' every time he sees him. He had stressed out so much for a week already guessing what he did wrong.

"Maybe he's angry because he didn't get to watch Bobby-hyung's performance." Junhoe said when he sided his head on the pillow.

"NO. I told him he can watch it if he really wants to but I saw him in the auditorium." He responded to himself.

"What did you do wrong this time, Junhoe?" He battled himself again.

"Nothing. I'm still as cool as myself." He joked.


He sat in an Indian sit position, letting his foot touch each other, and glared at his phone. "Ya! Kim Jinhwan! If you don't reply to me I swear I'm gonna lock you out!" Junhoe looked crazy while scolding his phone.

It's already 11pm but Jinhwan is still not home. He already sent 3 text messages to ask where his best friend was but obviously, he still got no response.

"But he has his keys with him so that can't be a threat."

He messed up his head and yelled Jinhwan's name again out of frustration.

"Ya! Koo Junhoe! Let me sleep!" The voice from the other room shouted at him. It was from Yunhyeong. It's Friday and tomorrow, Yunhyeong will come home again to his parents which will leave them two alone in the dorm.

He sighed and decided to wait in the living room. He was walking back and forth as he waited the time to pass. He slowly became worried when it's almost midnight but he heard nothing from Jinhwan. Unlike the other days, his best friend completely shuts himself today from talking to him which bothered him.

He was about to call Jinhwan on his phone when he heard knocks on the front door which he hurriedly aided to.

"Hyung!" He almost yelled when he saw unconscious Jinhwan being carried on Bobby's back.

"What happened?" He asked in his loud and worried voice.

"We had some rounds of drinks. We didn't know the alcohol was already hitting on him." Bobby responded in his struggling voice. Jinhwan was not that light so he also can feel the soar on his back from carrying his hyung.

"Why did you make him drink too much!?" Junhoe slightly yelled at Bobby unconsciously out of his concern to his drunk best friend.

"I'm sorry, we can't stop him. We were having fun." Bobby said in his drunk voice as well.

He had only seen Jinhwan wasted once when they talked about his father and this time was only the second time. Jinhwan was a heavy drinker and he thought he must have had a lot of drinks for him to be knocked out like this.

"I'll carry him inside." Junhoe offered and motioned his back towards Bobby to catch Jinhwan on his back.

"Be careful." He added while Hanbin placed Jinhwan's arms around his neck.

Junhoe could smell the Jinhwan reeking of alcohol when his head hung on his shoulder. He looked at his drunk best friend with annoyance but full of concern at the same time.

"Thank you, hyung. Be safe on your way back." Junhoe said to Bobby when he turned to face his other drunk friend.

Bobby nodded and left the doorstep. Junhoe slightly struggled going inside the living room since Jinhwan was extra heavy due to the alcohol that knocked him out. He went straight to his room and slowly put Jinhwan down on his bed. He lowered his body carefully and let the older sit on the bed first before he held his head and placed it on the pillow.

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