Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

(Text Message)

Nani: Have you read it? How was it?

Yoyo: I think it's good. But you really need to write about something else other than made up series

Nani: It's not a series

June: Learn from me (smirk) stop writing about boring stuff

Nani: Can I just kick this hoe out of this GC? I'm sick of him honestly

Yoyo: I also don't understand why we're friends with him

Nani: Uuuggh! You're not helping me

(Personal text)

June: Let's go out!

Nani: Ughh, I'm outside already? And why would I? You insulted my work just now

June: c'mon. a best friend should tell you the truth

Nani: So I'm a boring writer now? I'm cancelling you

June: (lol) At the café across the street in 5 mins

Nani: I hate you

At the café...

"Stop pouting. People might think your mom left you here." Junhoe greeted Jinhwan when he saw him sulking at the corner table in the café. "What?!" Jinhwan straightened his back to face his best friend with furrowed eyebrows. "You look like a kid who lost a candy", Junhoe laughed and finally took his seat. "Stop it. I'm feeling down because MY best friend just described my precious work as "BORING" stuff." He said while crossing his arms. Junhoe imitates his gesture. "Hey. I didn't mean it that way. Your story is good. It's just that, something's missing. It lacks emotions, you know. Love is about feelings. You either write about a dog's life or yours."

"How dare you! I didn't write about a dog's life!" Junhoe burst into laughter seeing how annoyed his best friend is. "I'm sorry." He said in between his laughs. "Ha ha so funny Koo Junhoe." Jinhwan rolled his eyes and Junhoe felt the irritation on his voice so he stopped laughing and suddenly became serious. "I've always wanted to write a romance novel, you know. But it's just hard to write something you haven't experienced yet. Or even tried." Junhoe felt weird with the idea of Jinhwan writing about romance novel. He knew his best friend is a great writer and they both want to publish their own books someday – him publishing his poems, and Jinhwan as a novel author. He knew Jinhwan since High school when they were both in the same journalism club. Their friendship blossomed because they shared the same passion. Along those years, Jinhwan never tried writing about romance or never even remembered him falling in love. His best friend is innocent, pure and is a very sentimental person.

"Why don't you try it?,"suprised by his own words. "Do you think I can do it?" Jinhwan looks at his bestfriend looking for assurance. "Of course!" He unconsciously blurted out. He knew he needed to boost Jinhwan's confidence this time since he needed something to lighten up his mood. "I don't know how, where, and when to start it."

"I'm sure you'll figure that out."

The next day...


Jinhwan: I need something to start writing

Comment – Yoyo: Do you want me to cook for you hyung?

June: How is that even relevant to this tweet?

Yoyo: Food will help his brain think you brainless

Jinhwan: I think I need some new set of friends (first)


Nani: Juneya!

June: I thought you want to have new friends hyung?

Nani: (roll eyes) Ok bye

June: Just kidding! What is it?

Nani: I was at the cafeteria during my break and I saw a famous campus couple

June: You mean Bobby and Hanbin hyung?

Nani: How do you even know their names? Ooh! Don't tell me it's THE Bobby you talked about last time?

June: He's the only one who has a western name, so uhh yeah?

Nani: Oh! I really don't know them?

June: Then what about them?

Nani: If I want to write about romance, then I can maybe write about the love life of a famous campus couple for starters. It's pretty easy since we're in the same university and I can observe about them from afar. I'll just take some ideas how it is to be in a relationship.

June: How do u think it will help you? You'll just end up making a documentary lol.

Nani: I'll have a glimpse of love?? Maybe??

June: You know that's not gonna happen.

Nani: Oh and why is that?

June: I told u. Love is all about feelings, hyung.

Nani: Tell me then. You sound like someone with experience. Have you ever been in love??

June: Yes.

Nani: Oh, yeah? With who?

Nani: Juneya

June: You...

Nani: What?

June: I mean you. How about you?

Nani: Oh, u know it's not even a question to start with. Anyway, you can introduce me to Bobby since he knew you already. Right?

June: WHAT? NO!

Nani: C'mon Junhoe. It's not like you still have a crush on him or what.

June: Fine!

Nani! Thank you best friend!

June: Ughh


June: Bobby hyung?

Bobby: Oh Juneya!

June: Sorry to bother you but do you have some time later today?

Bobby: I think I don't have any plans today. Why?

June: Jinhwan hyung wants to meet you. Is that okay (with you)?

Bobby: Really? Sure! Why not.

June: you can bring Hanbin hyung too. I mean, if he wants to tag along.

Bobby: You mean, so he won't be jealous? Kkk

June: lol no. But that can happen too.

Bobby: Okay. See ya

June: Thanks, hyung.

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