Killer Namjoon

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                  Loud screams echoed through the hall followed by the sound of whipping  and the sound of someone laughing sadistically. The tall purple haired male puts down the whip and frowns at the girl that's tied down onto a chair. "What's wrong darling, can't take a little heat?" "You sick bastard I thought you loved me!", she yells at him as he look down at her as if she's dirt under his feet. He suddenly laughs as she trembles, fear coursing through her veins. Walking towards a curtain he pulls it aside to revealed pictures of a certain brunette covering the walls with some candles lit on the table with the brunettes belonging that he secretly stole.

                "Loved you? My heart only holds my dear and no one else. You're merely just a stepping stone that could help me get closer to her", he said motionlessly as he took a small blade before pointing it at her eyes. She trembles and thrashes around as she screams loudly, he sighs angrily as his hand grabs a fistful of her hair holding her in place. "Now you're just being a pain, Lana", he said as he plunges the small blade into her eye as her pained scream fills the air. She yells at him with anger," Y/N will never love a monster like you! You're a sick person who should be burnt in hell!". Anger swirling in his mind as he takes a knife raising it high in the air before the sharp metal ended her life. He scoffs as he pulls the small blade out with the eyeball still skewered onto the blade. He takes out a sewing kit and sow her eyes and mouth shut.

               He cleans his tool up before pouring some gasoline onto the corpse and lights up a match before throwing it into the puddle of gasoline setting the corpse on fire. He looks down on his blood stained shirt and sighs, "this shirt is from Y/N and I just had to ruin it. Great, just great." He takes off his shirt and throws it into the fire before he rummages through some old boxes before finding an old shirt he used to wear. "So that's where it has been, no wonder I couldn't find it",he said to himself before slipping into the shirt and picks his phone up dialing a number and waits for it to be picked up and it finally got picked up.

               "Hey Y/N! Wanna hang out tonight? I know a place where you'll like it!", he beamed in excitement. A giggle could be heard from the other end of the phone, "alright alright I'll meet you at 5 in the park?". He chuckles as he nods to himself, "sounds good, see you at the park!". With that, he ended the call just in time for the fire to die down, leaving a pile of ashes on the ground. He looks at his wristwatch before he decided to clean the mess up first and prepare later. NAmjoon smirks to himself as he cleans the mess up, "everything is going according to the plan."






             I hum to myself happily as I open my closet door and rummage through the clothes as I decided on what to wear. I gasp excitedly as I just know what I should wear. I rummage through my closet and takes out a white crop top and a pair of black ripped jeans before taking out a black jacket with a red dragon and cherry blossoms at the back of the jacket. I clap my hands together happily and change into the attire before tying my hair into a high ponytail. I look at my mirror admiring myself before I look at the time. It's already 4:55?! It's at least a 10 minute walk from my house to the park! I grab my phone and a black backpack before racing downstairs as I bid goodbye to my dog and rushes out of the house sprinting towards the park.

            I pant heavily as I arrived. I steady my breathe before walking into the park and saw him standing there with his phone. An idea pops into my mind as I giggled before walking around and creeping up behind him. I jumps onto his back with my arms wrapped around his neck. He drops his phone as he jumps in surprise. "Hey don't scare me like that!", he said with his hand on his chest as he pick his phone up. "Awe you're no fun, Joon", I giggle as he sigh before patting his phone gently and puts it back to his pocket.

            "Come on, let's go I have a place I want to show you." "Where to?" "It's a secret." I raise one of my eyebrows at him and he just chuckled and intertwine his hands with mine. My cheeks turns red at his action but soon frown slightly. He must've noticed before he turns to me with a worried look on his face. "What's wrong, darling?",I just shook my head before looking back at him with a smile. "I just wish I could do this with you all the time, but Lana loves you too much and I don't want to ruin this for her." He pauses before he put his hand on my shoulders, " I don't care about Lana, Y/N I care about you. Don't you see? She's in the way of our love that's why I eliminated her." "What do you mean you eliminated her?", I said as I look at him confused. He sigh before he gives me a warm smile showing his dimples but his eyes hold madness in them.

            "I killed her for us, darling",he said with a sinister smile as his hands grip tightly onto my shoulders. I wince slightly but smile at him, "did you? You love me that much that you even killed a person?" "I even killed that cheater of a boyfriend of yours, you're mine and no one else's." My smile widens as I cup his face which caught him off guard. I press my lips onto his before pulling away, "let's go to your house and cuddle." Namjoon smiles and hold my hand, "well this is not the way I have planned but I won't let you go." I nod before we reached his car. He opens the passenger seat giving me a loving smile, "after you." I giggles and gets into the car before he gets in and drove us to his house.

            I step out of the car as I follow Namjoon. He takes out his keys and unlocks the door as I step in. The walls were painted in royal blue with furniture in the color of either white or black. He close the front door before giving me a back hug. Namjoon buries his head into my neck as he inhales my scent. "You smell good", he muttered and place butterfly kisses on my neck. I giggle and put my backpack down onto the floor before he turns me around and pulls me into a passionate kiss. I wrap my hands around his neck as his arms reaches into my crop top. I pulls away with a smile as he smiles back at me until his smile shrivels into a face of horror. He looks down to find a dagger was stabbed through his stomach.

          I continue giving him a warm smile and steps back as he collapse onto the ground. I bends down as his body trembles, "w-why did you do this-", he said but was cut off by a coughing fit followed by crimson red liquid flowing out of his mouth. I giggles and place his head on my lap and run my fingers through his soft purplish hair. "Namjoon, it's sweet of you that you did this for me but a mission is a mission and I had to comply. You murdered a lot of people around the area",I said with a sigh still keeping my smile. He frowns slightly before wincing from the pain, "an assassin huh? A-at least I'm able to die in y-your hands, Y-Y/N." His hand reaches up and caress my cheek before his hand falls limb.

         I planted a kiss onto his forehead before laying his head down. I retrieve my dagger and wipes the blood off before putting it back into my jacket. Walking out of the house I glance back at his lifeless body before pressing the earpiece I wore in my ear as I get into a black Limousin that has been waiting for me.

         "Mission accomplished."

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