Beetle w-what?

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Look you guy deserve this chapter and I mean more than 3k read thanks I don't deserve it but thanks
Thanks for the motivation NovaJuice

Time skip because I really don't know what to put

I sat up trying to lift myself off the ground. "Here baby let me help you up" a unfamiliar male raspy voice said holding his hand out for me to grab. I grab his hand help myself up with his hand. "Thank you" I say looking up studying the man's face, green hair, greenish blue eyes, a tad bit of green here and there on his face. All of a sudden dad stepped in front of me in a protective way.

"Get away from her! You think you can flirt with my wife and make go go eyes at my daughter who is 16" he screamed at the guy.

The man pushed my dad aside and said, "my name is beetlejuice and I can make you scream that tonight if you let me" making my dad go full psycho.

"DID YOU NOT JUST HEAR ME?" "Oh I hear you loud and clear pops" I hear the man called beetlejuice and my father bicker for a few more minutes till I step in "can you stop?"

{under editing} You're too old for me |Beetlejuice x reader|Where stories live. Discover now