In which they met

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Sergio remembered the day they had met very clearly. He could remember every detail, the way she bit her lip, the way she swayed her hips, and the way she made brief eye contact with him for the first time after staring at her through the crowd. No, they didn't meet at a club. They met while both of them were at the shopping center.

It was December 4, 2011. Sergio was out Christmas shopping with his mother. He was in a women's shopping store with his mother trying to find a gift for his sister, Miriam, When out walked Agraciana in a pair of jeans and a green sweater, pretending to strut in front of her friends as they all stated their approval of the outfit. He couldn't help but tilt his head as he admired her figure. She wasn't stick thin and definitely had some admirable curves. His mother knew the look out of anywhere.

She was aware of what a womanizer her son has become and always hoped he would one day settle down and start a family of his own. He needed a girl to fight for and protect and to keep his feet on the ground. She wanted him to find a girl that would give him some trouble because god forbid her son got a taste of his own medicine. She was disgusted at some of the women she saw in the tabloids with her son. Thank god he was at least smart enough not to bring them home. Paqui recognized the girl immediately. She was the daughter of one of her friends.
"No Sergio, sleep with any other girl, not that one," Paqui said bluntly to her son.
"What are you talking about I never said I wanted to sleep with her," Sergio said trying to defend himself.
To be completely honest Sergio wouldn't be opposed, however, that wasn't on his mind. The only thing on his mind was how this girl was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Her smile which was bright and warm, her eyes dark and rich, her hair long and silky making him imagine running his hands through it.
"You didn't need to say anything, you practically eye fucking her told me enough," Paqui said hitting her son on the side of the head.
Sergio rubbed the spot with his hand, blushing madly while staring at his mother. He wanted to correct her and say that he wasn't eye fucking her but instead admiring her.

"She's the daughter of my friend Lucia, you met Lucia before but not Agraciana, Agraciana is a smart and classy girl, she's successful and wouldn't get into bed with you if you tried hijo, she's not like those other girls you spend your nights with," she said shaking her head at him.

Paqui wanted her future daughter in law to be like Agraciana, hell she wanted Agraciana to be her future daughter in law. Agraciana was a beautiful, smart, lawyer who was successful and independent. However, she wasn't sure that she trusted her son with the girl. She cared to much for the young woman for Sergio to break her heart.

No matter what Paqui did to get her son to snap out of it, she could only do so much. She tried to stay with him as often as possible to keep watch over him. But what was she going to do? Ground him? He was a grown man now, even though he still acted like a horny teenage boy.
"Tia, is that you?" Agraciana said approaching the two, now in her own outfit which consisted of plain jeans, a black cropped sweater, and a beige coat.

"Si Mija," Paqui said going to hug the girl. It had been ages and the last time she saw the young woman was at her law school graduation 2 years ago.

Just like that, Sergio fell for her. Paqui had never seen Sergio that way before. He has actually cared for her and made time for Agraciana. She was the only woman he saw and he lost his wandering eye. It wasn't too long before Paqui's wish came true and Sergio got down on one knee. The Agraciana Castus, Paqui knew, soon became Agraciana Castus Ramos, her daughter in law.
Watch there still be mistakes

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