In which he shows up at her door

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"Are you fucking crazy?" yelled Rene from the phone.
"She's in London I have confirmation," Sergio stated.
"Ok and?" Rene said, "so what happened when you show up huh? You don't know where she is in London and you have a National team match in two days and the Spanish Federation will never approve of this time off."
"Forget the match, forget the National team, forget everything, Agraciana is the most important person in my life and the most important thing, if Real Madrid want to fine me then so be it. I know where she is in London I have our card records, she's at the four seasons hotel. Get me a damn plane ticket, I don't care if you have to rent or buy a private jet or buy a whole airline just get me on a plane to her before she goes somewhere else," Sergio yelled.
Sighing and realizing his brother wouldn't budge, Rene bid goodbye and said he would work on it.
Sergio threw the phone on his bed and started packing. To set the record straight he didn't have sex with another women. Was he entirely innocent no. He had started to go out more and party more. Women threw themselves at hit and he did entertain that a bit. It was nice to know he still had it, however, he never kissed, hugged, or had sex with anyone. Sure he flirted but at that point he drew the line. As for the photo that circulated of him with a woman at the club, it was taken out of context. She had forced herself onto his lap and the photo was taken before he could push her off.
The noise of his phone vibrating brought Sergio out of his thoughts, Rene had sent Sergio his flight details.
Agraciana has just finished her long shower. It felt nice for a little me time. She had treated herself to the fun bath goodies the hotel provided and order room service. She was determined to enjoy a peaceful night without thinking about what had happened. She would face everything tomorrow. The sound of a knock on the door caused her to pause her tv show and go to the door. Must be the room service she thought. She opened the door only to reveal and rain drenched Sergio with a bag in his hand and a tired expression on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She demanded, her eyebrows knitted together.
"What do you mean what the hell am I doing here, I'm here for you." Sergio said calmly.
"Were the divorce papers not enough to signal that I was done with this anything you have to say you can save it." Agraciana said quietly.
"No, I refuse to let out marriage die like this, I love you and I never cheated. Did I flirt with other women then yes, but I never kissed joe hugged or had sex with any of them. I know I haven't been a great husband but I can change that I promise," Sergio said desperately, his eyes begging her to agree.
"Well you also promised not to break my heart but look where we are at," Agraciana said with tears in her eyes as she began to close the door, "Don't make this harder Sergio, go home."
With that she shut the door.
"Not without you," Sergio said quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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