Waterloo Sunset [UNEDITED]

Start from the beginning

He quickly stood up, putting the guitar back and rushing around the house to find a piece of paper and a pen. Eventually he settled on a biro he found in the kitchen and the blank back page of a book. He scribbled what he had thought of down onto the sepia paper and tore it out, then wrote the chords down on the page. The next part of the operation would be far more difficult to pull off.

The problem was that the phone chord was nowhere near long enough to reach the sofa, and it would be very awkward to sit anywhere else. Eventually Damon found a spot where he could sit cross legged with enough room for a guitar and still have enough room to manoeuvre the phone without tangling the cord over the guitar strings. He dialled the number, and it rang, for a while. In fact, there didn't seem to be any answer. He let out a huff, knowing how his bandmate often wanted to avoid all outside contact and rang again. This time Graham picked up on the fifth ring.

"Yes?" he groaned through the phone, sounding extremely hard of being disturbed.

"Graham, I've written something."

"Could this not wait until practice tomorrow?"

"Not at all, now, the lyrics are a work in progress and we should probably fill it out with some synths and stuff, but this is the bare bones," Damon rushed excitedly.

"Get on with it then," Graham grumbled. Damon places the phone down in front of him, pulling the guitar to sit comfortably in his lap. He strummed the first couple of chords, and began.

"They stumbled into their lives,
In a strange way became man and wife,
One got the other,
They deserved one another,
And when he's in, she's out."

Damon fumbled slightly, picking the phone back up to hear Graham's reaction.

"Any good?"

"Yeah mate, it's great and I'm sure we can work on it tomorrow, but I have to ask, what are you going to do about Justine?"

"Justine? What are you on about?" Damon acted. He cursed internally. Of course (Y/n) had said something to Graham, they were always talking and hanging out.

"I know there's something going on with you and (Y/n), I'm not sure what, but my bets are on a fling."

Damon let out a long sigh. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Is it that obvious?"

"No, but I know you and her, and she hasn't been the same in weeks, she's borderline depressed, hasn't left the house in days and when she does, she's just snappy at everyone. The other day I dropped in and she was having a jam sandwich. Then she told me it was the only thing she'd eaten in two days," Graham explained.

"Oh god," Damon muttered. "I should go see her."

"Probably, yeah."

"Oh Graham, what am I going to do?"

"Just think, please Damon, don't do anything bold and stupid."

"No, of course not," Damon conceded, picking at a flake of paint on the wall. "Any ideas?"

"Next time you're not busy, you have to go to (Y/n) and tell her it's over. George and I will be plenty enough support for whatever she's going through, you have to disappear out of the picture sharpish. Neither of you can be catching any feelings," Graham explained rather commandingly. Damon let out a deep sigh.

"Okay, I'll be over there to finish things on Saturday."

Graham gave him the address and then hung up the phone. Damon stood staring the paper he'd scribbled it down on for a few moments. Eventually he shoved it into his pocket decisively, certain as soon as he saw her he would end things, just as Graham advised.

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