"You are acting petty!" Nadia snapped, fixing the brute with a deadly glare.

Bandit, completely shocked at Nadia snapping, turned his surprised gaze at her, sensing that he upset her and that he was about to get told off.

"You have no right to ignore me just because I didn't tell you Azrael was my father!" Nadia spat, glaring at the stunned brute. "Can you imagine why I didn't tell you? I'm embarrassed to have him as my father! He hurts me! He loves inflicting pain on me! He loves to see me suffering! "All my scars and my limp is because of him! To him, I'm just a slave and a toy for him to have his way with! No father should ever inflict pain on his daughter or take advantage of her and rape her when she was young! Fathers should be kind to their daughters and love her! My father never loved me, and I've come to live with that because after the first time he raped me, I automatically grew to hate him. I hate him for all the shit he put me through, and I will never forgive him." The female took a deep, shaky breath, whiskey-colored orbs blazing with a mix of emotions. "Maybe now you'll understand why I didn't tell you Azrael was my father. He doesn't deserve the title of "father." After that horrid act he did to me, I've never considered him my father. We may be blood- related, but he is not my father. Hasn't been for a long time."

Bandit listened to her pour her heart out in silence. He was starting to feel guilty for the way he reacted and for ignoring her.

"Nadia," said Bandit softly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for acting like that. I'm so very sorry."

Nadia licked her scarred jaws as she watched Bandit closely. She could tell that Bandit was genuine and that he was sorry. And besides, Nadia couldn't stay mad at Bandit. He meant too much to her for her to stay upset at him. So she gave him a soft smile, relaxing almost instantly.

"It's okay, Bandit," Nadia said softly, honestly. "It was shocking news and it left you speechless, and confused. I probably would've reacted the same as you."

Bandit smiled brightly at Nadia but their little happiness was ruined when laughter bounced off the cave walls.

"Such a beautiful speech you said," said Stefan with a snort, as if he found what Nadia had said was funny.

"Yeah," Diesel agreed with a chuckle. " I'm gonna cry."

Both of the brutes started cackling, finding what they said hilariously.

From where Nadia was standing beside Bandit's side, she gave the two laughing brutes a deadly glare. The two brutes ceased their loud laughing and turned their gaze from each other to Bandit and Nadia, smirking as they noticed Nadia's glare.

"Aww, what's wrong?" Asked Diesel in a mocking voice. " Did we upset your little feelings?"

"No," growled out Nadia, audits pinned back against her cranium. Her muscles were tense and her hackles were raised. "You didn't hurt my little feelings." She mocked him. "You pissed me off!"

"Oh no!" Stefan cried sarcastically. "We pissed you off? My bad."

"Oh just shut up!" Snapped Nadia with a growl.

"Stefan, is that an attitude I'm hearing?" Asked Diesel with a smirk.

"Yes, Diesel," replied Stefan, a sick smirk plastered on his maw. "I believe that deserves a punishment."

Stefan let his glaze wonder upon Bandit for just a second before returning it onto Nadia, that sick smirk still plastered on his maw.

"I have an idea," said Stefan gleefully. "Diesel, go hold Nadia back. She's not going to like what's about to happen."

Diesel did as told and before Nadia could so much as blink there was a sharp pressure on the back of her neck and she was dragged away from Bandit. Other wolves may have felt pain so much that she was pretty much immune to the unpleasant and unwelcome feeling. Growls emerge from the female as she was held against her will.

"Get your stinky maw off me!" Nadia snapped as she struggled to get free. However, every time she struggled, Diesel's grip tightened.

"Now, now, Nadia," said Stefan as he sauntered into Nadia's vision. "You deserve to be punished for the attitude you're giving us. Because of you, Bandit is going to suffer from more wounds."

"No!" Exclaimed Nadia, grunting as she tried to lunge forward but was pulled back by Diesel.

Before Bandit had time to react, Stefan lunged at him, sinking his fangs into the side of Bandit's neck. Bandit groaned as Stefan tugged as he held his neck before he felt Stefan let go. Bandit thought that what Stefan did would be all but he was wrong. Stefan bit into Bandit's flanks, sinking his fangs in deeper so that Bandit would bleed before he let go of him. The last thing Stefan did made Bandit whimper in pain. The crazed wolf slashed his claws against Bandit's flanks, slashing over where Stefan had bitten. Blood started to seep down in a steady rhythm of flows. Only when Bandit whimpered was Stefan done. He turned to look at the frozen female with a sick, amused smirk.

"Maybe now you'll understand that what you say and do will have consequences," Stefan replied before giving Diesel a nod.

Diesel let go of Nadia and walked back over to Stefan, standing beside him with the same smirk as his brother etched on his maw. He and Stefan turned around without another word and walked out of the cell, not looking back. When Nadia knew for sure that they were gone, she quickly hurried to Bandit and cleaned his wounds, making sure he didn't bleed out. Despite the brute giving soft whimpers of pain as Nadia cleaned his wounds, she tried to finish quickly. Nadia didn't like Bandit being in pain, but the wounds had to be clean so they didn't get infected. Nadia knew from the experience of how painful infected wounds were.

"I'm sorry, Bandit," the female apologized when she heard him groan in pain. "I know it hurts but it has to be cleaned. You don't want it to get infected. Infection hurts."

"I know," Bandit said softly when Nadia finished and laid next to him. He felt her cuddle against him and he was happy. "We'll get out of here soon. I know it." The brute promised before licking her audit gently. He knew they would escape.

"Oh I know we'll escape," said Nadia with a smirk. "Because when I set my mind to something. I tend to follow through with it."

Bandit looked at Nadia with a proud smile. He was very fond of her and loved how brave and courageous she was. He was falling for the female.

"That was what I was hoping for," said Bandit with a smile.

"I'm done with being treated like shit!" exclaimed Nadia. "I've been treated like I'm lower than them. I've been treated like I was property! I'm done with it! They have no idea what I'm capable of! They have no idea who they created, what they created!"

Bandit didn't need to question who "they" were. It was obvious who "they" were. Azrael, Diesel, and Stefan. Bandit found it hilarious how they had no idea what was coming. They pushed Nadia too far and they would soon learn to regret it. A storm was coming.


I'm sorry that it took so long for me to post this chapter! I've been very busy with school! But now that I'm out for the rest of the year cause of the Corona Virus I'm gonna be a lot more active in posting the rest of this story! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment something nice!

Love you, Lexy!

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