
"Why are you calling him Master?" He says, eyes fixing on me like it could tear my soul in half. "You carry my Mark."

"I'm— I'm just used to that, okay?" I defend under his gaze, so sharp it makes me fidget. "Besides, it's hard to call your Master by name. And weird."

"You're doing it again." He says sharply, and I shrug helplessly. "Why did you go out in the snow all by yourself? Don't you know there are wolves every winter? What if you met a bear? Both of us would be dead."

"Well, if you would've been nice enough to come out of your room once in a while and—"

Then I realize I'm saying my thoughts out loud, and close my lips quickly when his eyes narrow.

"What I mean— I'm sorry."

"That's why you went out? In the snow, at winter?" He whispers, his eyes flat and fixed on my face. "Because you were lonely?"

Anger starts to tingle through my skin, and I can feel my cheeks warm with heat as I look at him straight in the eye.

"Well, what do you want? If it wasn't for me, it would've been a five-year old. Maybe Master was right. You need to get rid of some people in here."

I don't miss the look of annoyance that flashes past his face as he hears me say Master, but then they soon fade into surprise when he realizes what I've said.

"W-What are you talking about? Arell?"


"The five year old." He says impatiently, actual concern shadowing his face. "What do you mean?"

"Some lady apparently told her to go get berries, and told her no food if she didn't." I explain, partly surprised at how he knew her name. There seemed to be so many people in this Palace.

"What are you doing?" I exclaim when he suddenly gets to his feet shakily, his usually calm features twisted with rage. "She's in my room right now! Lyr took her there."

"I can't believe this." He growls, ignoring me completely and his voice narrowed to an edge as he walks briskly toward the door. "And after I gave that woman a second chance."

"Yah!" I finally shout when he nearly hits himself on the doorway. "Get back down on this damn bed right now!"

He looks shocked.

And I don't blame him, because I am too.

"I'm just— I'm telling you that she's safe right now. You can do whatever you want with that woman later, but look at yourself first." I stress, my back against the door. "You're bleeding again, and you're supposed to be a healer."

He's still giving me that blank look.

"Anyways, that's just what I'm saying." I say quickly, almost stumbling on my own words as I make my way out of the room. "I'm going to go take care of Arell now, so just saying don't worry too much about her."

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