Chapter Three: Things Change

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I stood numbly outside of my house, the only place I called home. The firetrucks trying to stop the fire from spreading. I blocked out the people yelling and running around shouting orders at each other as I just watched my past burn down with the house.
Everyone thankfully had gotten out safely, one of our neighbors called the fire department for us.
Someone came up behind me putting a blanket over my shoulders and wrapping me up in their arms. I felt tears stream down my face, as I watched my house burn down slowly.
I looked away and hugged the person who had me in their arms. I looked up to find the blue eyes of a boy who's eyes mirrored mine.
James took his thumbs and wiped my tears, then wrapped me in a tight hug. Whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I clung to the back of his shirt, drenching it in my tears.
You may say I'm over reacting about my house, and others may not, but that was the only house I called home.
James pulled away slightly and tilted my chin up with his index finger, and kissed my lips lightly.
"I'm so sorry babe, tell me what I can do to make it better?" He pleaded.
I shook my head silently telling him it wasn't his fault and laid my head back on his chest facing the fire.
As the fire died down and soon came to an end the firemen let us go in and grab what wasn't damaged by the fire.
I walked slowly up the stairs with James right behind me and slowly opened my door. With a deep breath I opened it slowly.
I quickly went to my drawers sniffling the tears back as I picked up the few clothes that weren't ruined by the fire. I started backing away and backed straight into a hard chest.
No doubt was it James, so I quickly turned around and was immediately enveloped in his arms.
He lead me out of the house and into his running car.
Mom and dad were going to bring my car with them tonight to the hotel we were staying at, so I guess James had told them we were leaving now.
On the way there I numbly looked out of the window and at the houses we past by.
Once we checked in at the hotel, we both silently walked to our room. I set my clothes on the bed and turned to face him as I felt the tears start to come back. He rushed over to me enveloping me into a tight hug.
"It's all your fault" I whispered "It's all your fault, if y'all hadn't come to live with us I would still have a house!" I screamed.
I pushed him away and slumped down to the ground bawling my eyes out.
I felt bad for saying that. But it was true! If him and his family hadn't moved in with us, I would still have a place to call home! I felt arms wrap around me and I quickly shoved them off. I crawled to the bed and fell asleep. Silently thanking the hotel for having two separate beds.
I woke up with a headache from all the crying that afternoon, I looked around to see that no one was in the room.
Flashbacks of all the harsh things I had said to James came flooding back and I started to cry again. The bathroom door opened and I saw James come out with a towel wrapped around his lower half.
I looked down at my hands and coughed, "James I-" I started but cut short cause my voice wavered.
"I didn't mean what I said" I told him looking at him as the tears from earlier came back. "I'm so so sorry, I get it if you don't forgive me, but please I love you, I can't lose you" I said starting to sob and wrapped my arms around myself. I heard shuffling and looked up to see that he now had boxers on and was walking toward me. I clutched his body as I cried more.
"I will always love you Haley, you were upset, I blame myself for what happened too" he said detaching himself from my grasp.
I looked up at him scared. He chuckled sadly "Chill babe, just putting a shirt on" he pulled on my favorite shirt of his and came back over to me.
We both laid down on the bed and cuddled for most of the day. "What's gonna happen now?" I asked.
"I honestly don't know" he sighed.
"Don't blame yourself please" I said after awhile. His words from earlier echoed in my brain.
He stayed silent for a while, "but it's true"
"No" I leaned up placing my chin on his chest "It's not, I wasn't in my right state of mind when I said that, it's not your fault."
He looked at me for a while and smiled "I love you"
"I know, I love you too" I smiled leaning up to kiss his lips.
"Where is everyone?" I asked him after awhile.
"I don't know, want to go down stairs to look for them?" He asked.
I nodded my head and started to get up to change clothes. "James?"
"I'm so lucky to have you" I said repeating the words he had told me the morning after he came to live with us.
"Sorry babe, but I'm the lucky one." he told me getting up from the bed and bending down right in front of me. He kissed me quickly then straighten up to put some pants on.
After I had changed and we were both getting ready to head out I hugged him from behind and kissed his shoulder.
Authors note:
So this chapter was probably extremely cheesy.. but I'm not getting any views or nothing.
Kinda feel like I'm writing to space right now...

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