Chapter Two: Disaster Stikes twice.

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It's been exactly one week since James and his family's house burnt down. They have lived with us since then. His parents and his younger sister have been staying in the guest bedrooms while James was supposed to be staying in one as well, but he sneaks into my room after everyone goes to bed.
Today James and I went out for a little date, and to get away from all the chaos in the house. We started at the movies and then went to get some ice cream.
Once we came home, it was silent except for the quiet murmur here and there. So we walked into the kitchen to see both sets of parents at the table talking. Annie and Lizzie had gone to the park according to the parents.
"So kiddos, why don't we all go out to eat tonight. Somewhere fancy and have fun, after all that's happened I think everyone needs a night out." My mother said grinning at everyone.
"Sounds like a plan, Eric? James?" Mrs. Dean said.
"Sounds great should I go get the kids?" James asked tightening his grip of my hand.
"Yes, and when you get back make sure they start to get ready." My mom said.
When we came back Annie and Lizzy started getting ready, while James and I went to my room to hang out until they got done.
We both flopped on the couch and turned my TV on and cuddled next to each other.
When Lizzie and Annie were done and dressed they decided to come in my room and watch TV with us.
I got up to take a shower while they continued to watch TV.
A few hours later everyone was ready to go out. I was wearing a pink dress, with wedges, and James looking handsome as always was wearing a nice dress shirt with slacks with a jacket thrown over his shoulder. I grabbed his hand and we both walked down the stairs.
"Don't you two look adorable" My mom gushed. I blushed and hid my face behind James's shoulder.
"Thanks Mrs. Taylor" James said politely.
"Oh please call me Grace" My mom told him.
"Okay Grace" He said with a chuckle.
James untangled our hands and wrapped his hand around my waist as I snuggled against his side.
"Okay, is everyone ready to go?" My father asked.
Dinner was fun, we all had totally deserved to go out and have fun. It was bitter sweet when we left the restaurant. We all climbed into the cars and drove back to the house.
Once we got home most of everyone was tired so we all said goodnight then went our separate ways to bed. As soon as I got to my room I took my dress of and stripped into my pjs then went to my bathroom to wash my face and take my make-up off. When I looked back up into the mirror I saw James standing there leaning against my door frame.
"You know, you look much prettier without that crap on" he said referring to the make-up. He stepped closer to me and kissed me passionately. After a while of kissing I yawned and he chuckled and led me to the bed before we both drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to bone crushing scream, I looked over to James with a scared expression. Then all of a sudden we smelt smoke.
Authors note:
Sorry for ending it there...
Also with all the updates I just have so many ideas. I hope these chapters are long enough. I feel like I'm writing a lot. Haha.

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