when i reach the hallway, i let all my tears fall. i should've saw this coming. i could never be enough for him. but why does part of me still want to try? ugh. i hate emotions. now i see why sana just fucks and keeps it movin'. i began to cry harder at the thought of what just happened, replaying the moment in my head over and over again. i have a bad habit of doing that. i find a nearby bench and quickly sit down, my head in my hands. but not long after i sit down i'm found by jihyo.

"mo?" jihyo says worried, stopping in her tracks. "not right now, jeongyeon." i say, sniffling. "actually, it's jihyo." "oh thank god." if only i found her sooner. "what's wrong mo?" jihyo asks, concerned.


"well...what happened?" she starts off, sliding right next to me with her back against the wall just as mine was.

"literally everything i expected. i made a fool of myself!" i exclaim, but she seems to not think it's that serious. "oh, hush it couldn't have been that ba-"

"the note wasn't there."

"what do you mean the note wasn't there?"

"the note wasn't fucking there! i just know it! i already knew something was up when he didn't come up to me! maybe if he got the note he wouldn't have asked me to  'score him a date' with you!"

"wait what?! you know what we'll talk about that later. right now we need to find out where the note is."

"i think i can help out with that." a smirking jeongyeon says, holding a floral envelope. "ouu! from momo. let's read it out loud, shall we?"

this cannot be happening right now. please be dreaming please be dreaming please be dreaming. i quickly pinch my arm. nope. this is reeeeal life. someone i actually hate is about to know all of my secret feelings. life is juuussst peachy. "jeongyeon PLEASE." i beg, running to her on my knees. "don't read it. especially not out loud..." "hmmm....on one condition." she snickers.

then she starts to run. great. now i have to go CHASE her for it. "you need me to back you up, mo?" jihyo asks, lacing up her boots. "no no. this is something i have to do on my own." i say, starting to chase after jeong.

as i run after her, it seems as if the whole school is staring me down. classes filled with assholes start to surround me. but they don't matter in this moment "you're gonna have to run faster than that!" jeongyeon taunts, somehow gaining on the speed she already had. "asshole." i mutter, trying to speed up but also keep my boob from flying out.

as we continue to run, i slowly realize where she's headed to: the intercom. not only was she going to read it, but the whole population of westview park high was going to hear it!

including jaebeom!

oh, hell no. i won't let her humiliate me again. instead of being called 'choco shake,' i'll be called yandere for the rest of my school years! i have to get to her. i finally catch some speed getting closer and closer to her as she gets closer and closer to the office. holding up my boob with one hand and my bag with the other, i finally get close enough to stop her. i jump on her back and start to reach for the envelope, but i come up short. she tries so shake me off but i'm almost glued to her, still reaching for the card. she start to shake like a maniac, trying to get me off of her, and she finally does, as i started to lose balance from trying to get the card. she quickly runs into the main office and locks the door behind her.

she did it. she's gonna tell everyone my secrets and i can't do anything about it. i tried my hardest to get her to stop but i just couldn't. i'm done for.

she continues running, all the way to where the intercom was, the technician, jinyoung about to speak. "hello, westv-ow!" he tumbles to the floor as jeong pushed him out of the chair. "ooook! i know nobody gives a fuck about what he was about to say so let's get to the juicy stuff, shall we?" "i-i was announcing that we were going on lockdown in 5 minutes-" "nobody cares, keep it movin!" "like i was saying, i have something very juicy for you guys." jeongyeon grins, looking out in the hallway where i was. she takes a very long pause, just staring at me, but then returns to the mic.

"but not as juicy as today's fried chicken! it will be served for both lunch periods, and i advise you all to eat some. ok thank you all now go back to your pointless classes."

she saved me? but why?

she quickly walks out of the room and straight up to me. i stare in confusion at her smirking face. "well don't you look relieved." she says, sarcastically, looking me up and down. "i saved your ass yes, but now you owe me." "i would pick a fight but my heart is literally beating out of my body, so im gonna let this slide." i respond, giving in. "good girl." she pats my shoulder. "now, in exchange for saving your ass, i need your help. i'm failing my math class. horribly. and i know you've always been great at math, so as long as you tutor me after school everyday, i won't show anyone this note."

EVERYDAY? ugh, that is something i'd have to think about. but it seems like i don't have that choice right now, so i'd better choose now. "you know what? fine." i submit. i know it's unfair and probably a stupid decision to agree to it, but i'm more scared of that note getting out than anything. "so it's a deal. but if you ever come up short on your part, you'll be hearing my voice on the intercom before you can say sike." jeongyeon states, as she walks away, leaving me with many things to think about.

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