“I’m a dancer, I can’t do that kind of thing with my customers.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know-“

  “It’s alright. You said you’ve never been to a place like this before, it’s not your fault. But just in case someone else sees, we have rules. You’re not allowed to touch any of the dancers unless they themselves are touching you. Like when I was sitting on your lap, I was touching you because I was on top of you. That’s alright. You could hold me up and help support me, because I was on your lap. But otherwise, you can’t touch me.”

  John was disappointed, attracted to this Paul fellow and yet not being allowed to touch him. It was disappointing, really. He swallowed his spit and nodded, hoping not to upset him even further.

  “Our second rule is that you pay, no matter how unsatisfying your dance was. Of course, with me, you’ll never be unsatisfied.” Paul smirked rather cockily, and John forced a smile back. “That’s about it, really. Just sit back and relax, I promise you’ll enjoy.”

  Paul winked, slinking back toward John, his head tilted slightly down and making John almost throw himself at him. He had just met Paul, yet he already felt such a connection with him that he had never felt before with anyone else. It was mind-blowing how beautiful this man was, and all John wanted to do was spend the rest of his life cradling him in his arms. Of course, he couldn’t, but it felt nice to just imagine how happy he would be if he and Paul were together.

  Paul began to dance around John, teasingly unbuttoning his leather jacket and throwing it to the floor. He smiled, now shirtless and hornier for John. He walked over to John, wrapping his legs around him once more in an exotic form of dance. John let out a slight gasp at the intense feeling his cock was now gathering, growing hard against his tight trousers from the sheer feeling of Paul grinding on top of him. John felt Paul’s ass grind up against his cock, the tight leather creating even more friction. John let out a slight moan and Paul giggled, standing up to continue the dance.

  He glided around John with ease, being so used to performing that this particular evening was no challenge whatsoever. But for some reason, Paul found this John fellow to be challenging. He was obviously unskilled as lap dance receiver, and yet at the same time, Paul wanted to be with him even more. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, continuing to dance about for John as seductively as humanly possible for fear of losing attraction.

  Paul’s pants were soon off and he stood there, only in the tight booty shorts he wore underneath his leather trousers. John nearly drooled at how perfect Paul looked. The booty shorts grasped onto Paul’s package so perfectly that John didn’t have to use much of his imagination to guess what was underneath. Once again, Paul was on top of him, slowly nibbling down John’s neck as his package grinded against John’s. John couldn’t control his moaning, his throbbing erection too much to handle. He soon came, a little embarrassed at the fact that it had happened so soon.

  Paul noticed that John had just released himself and climbed back off him. Paul pranced around the room one final time, then picked up his clothes and began slipping them back on. John’s head was tilted back against the wall, riding out his intense orgasm. It had been a little odd how fast John had cum, but Paul didn’t mind, having a number of clients every evening. He shrugged it off, now fully dressed and waiting for John to stand up so he could have his pay.

  “That was fun, wasn’t it?” Paul giggled playfully.

  “Was that it?” John asked, looking up with disappointment.

  “Well, er, yes.” Paul laughed lightly.

  “I thought we had a connection.” John sighed.

  “I know, but I’m not allowed to sleep with my clients.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” John’s face hardened. Every word that escaped his lips was dead serious, and he wondered why Paul was being so stubborn. Perhaps he was just raised that way. “I don’t want to sleep with you.”

  “But then why did you get a dance from me?” Paul was confused, his stubborn little self not thinking to its full capacity.

  “Because I thought you were attractive.”

  “But then why don’t you want to sleep with me?”

  “Just because you’re attractive doesn’t mean I want to sleep with you.”

  “All my other clients want to sleep with me, and they think I’m attractive. Am I not attractive enough for you?”

  “No, no!” John laughed out of nervousness. “I’m saying, I don’t want to sleep with you and spoil what we have.”

  “What we he have?” Paul snorted. “I’m sorry John, but you’re just a client. You may have experienced some attraction, but that was just because your dick was hardening at the sight of me…”

  “But it’s not just sexual attraction, I find you very charming. I like you, alright?”

  “You know nothing about me.”

  “Well we can change that, can’t we? Come get dinner with me tomorrow evening, alright? We can get to know each other.”

  “I can’t, John. You’re just a client. Besides, I have to work tomorrow evening.”

  “Then when are you free? We can go out then.”

  “John, I can’t, alright! You’re a client, I can’t go on a bloody date with you! If you want, you can come back tomorrow. But we can’t be more than that, okay?!”

  John frowned, sighing rather heavily. “Alright.”

  “Now just pay me and leave, alright? I think you should get some rest.”

  “Okay.” John reached into his pocket and pulled out the pay. “This enough?”

  “Sure,” Paul said, grabbing the cash and not even bothering to check how much it was. He didn’t want John to think he was attracted to him.

  “I’ll see you around?” John asked with pleading eyes, looking at Paul with hope.


  And then Paul was gone. John had rushed out of there as soon as possible, trying to forget that Paul fellow. He was beautiful, but he obviously had no interest in John. Maybe it was stupid that he had come there.

  John sank against his bed, his head in his hands and tears dripping from his eyes. He knew it was ridiculous that he was getting attached to someone so early, but he had really felt a connection with Paul during their short time together. John closed his eyes, turning off the lights and trying to fall asleep. His racing thoughts kept him awake, and he realized there was no way he was going to get a good night’s sleep that evening. He kept thinking about the smallest of things, wondering how it was possible for someone that attractive to be so evil. And, for once, John wondered how it felt to be one of the beautiful people.

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