Chapter One

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Notes: This is a very short chapter. At first, I intended to make this a mini fic, but I like where it’s going, and I think I’ll make it regular length. The reason this chapter is so short is because it’s an introductory, ending with a somewhat cliffhanger. Hopefully you all will enjoy it.

  John was feeling absolutely terrible. He had been down in the dumps all week, simply going through the actions of each day instead of taking them by the hold and actually enjoying it. Although he knew that if anyone found out he would be made fun of beyond belief, he decided that he would visit the local club. This was no regular strip joint filled with birds, however. John had headed into a gay club.

  John had struggled with his sexuality for some time, but had decided in the end that he was queer. Sure, he still thought certain women were attractive. But that didn’t stop him from visiting the local queer club that evening.

  John strolled in, his first time in this particular. He had been in a number of queer joints, but settled on this one because it was close by and seemed appealing. He had never been here before, so he just paid his entrance fee and sat down, waiting for one of the dancers to approach him. They all looked plain and unattractive, and John was just about to leave when a rather handsome looking lad in tight leather clothes approached him.

  “Hello, can I interest you this evening?” he asked, smiling down at John with his dazzling hazel eyes.

  “I was actually just leaving,” John spoke, gathering his things.

  “I bet I can change that.” The man smiled. “Come with me to my room in the back. It’ll be worth it.”

  “I really should be going,” John was nervous, never having been with a man before. In other strip joints, he had just paid to watch the dancers or get a lap dance. He had never been with another man before, and this whole feeling was rather scary.

  “Please,” the man looked up at him with pleading eyes, instantly making John change his mind.

  “Sure.” John was reluctant, but he stood up. The man happily grabbed his hand and pulled him into the back of the club, down a rather dark hallway and into a private room. The man practically shoved John against the wall and onto the long, cushioned bench against it, locking the door behind him.

  “I never got the chance to ask your name,” the man said, walking slowly and rather seductively towards John.

  “I’m John,” John replied.

  “I’m Paul. I’ve never seen you around here, are you new in town?”

  “Not new in town, just new here.”

  “Ah.” Paul smirked, walking over towards John and sitting on his lap, wrapping his legs around John’s back. “You’re different from the others. Quite refreshing, actually.”

  “Oh?” John raised an eyebrow, smiling at the incredibly sexy lad sitting on his lap. Paul was absolutely breathtaking, and John couldn’t believe he was almost about to leave.

  “Mmm. Normally they’re all in their forties and are absolutely horrible to look at. You’re-“ Paul looked over John, licking his lips sexily- “attractive.”

  “Am I?” John smiled, leaning in to kiss Paul on his lips. The two connected for a brief moment before Paul pulled away, a look of shock on his face.

  “What was that for?!” Paul asked, getting up from John’s lap.

  “I was kissing you,” John replied, confused as ever. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

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