Chapter 5: Unsurprised

Beginne am Anfang

"What advice?" asked Anjali.

"I told Khushi not to be so quiet all the time," Lavanya explained nonchalantly. "Arnav needs to realize that he is married now and can't pull stupid stunts anymore."

Khushi couldn't help but notice Anjali's usually comforting face contract into distress. Just like how she seemed miffed at breakfast on the first day after their marriage, now too, she appeared to be chagrined at the mention of her brother.

"He isn't," Khushi finally said, feeling the need to clear all their doubts about her marriage. "He really is just busy with work..."

The two ladies nodded, albeit uncertainly.

"In that case," Lavanya said. "It's a good thing you don't live with my parents. Maa would have killed Arnav rather than letting him out of the house today. She takes karva chauth way too seriously."

Khushi was glad for the change of topic. "Really?"

"Oh yeah," Lavanya continued, shaking her head. "We usually have all the cousins come over and throw a big party at night. Apparently, it's a Raizada thing."

"So then why is it so simple this year?" Khushi asked, naive.

Anjali fiddled with her hands. "Well, there has been a lot going on. Papa just had the surgery, and then you got married... I think everyone needs a break."

Khushi nodded, realization dawning.

She had spent enough time with Anjali and Lavanya by now to understand what they did every time they had to avoid telling the truth. Karva chauth celebrations in the Raizada Mansion weren't cancelled because everyone needed a break, but because their brother needed a break from his one-month old marriage.

It was obvious from the way they posed their questions that they knew more or less what was happening back in the penthouse. They were just hoping to find a positive angle in the situation from Khushi's answers, much like how her brother had fruitlessly tried yesterday.

Perhaps they should get points for caring.

By the time evening rolled around, panic began to fester deep in Khushi's mind. Did Arnav read the post-it note she left him? Did he plan to show up and break her fast? Or was he thinking about opting out like the wedding night? And if he was going to disappear, did he at least inform his family? Or was she supposed to fend for herself and cover up the whole fiasco?

These questions trampled her mind while she played dress up with the other ladies. By the time the sun had set, and the moon was about to rise, she stood on the terrace of the Raizada mansion, nervous and in knots.

Akash had arrived a few minutes ago with a dazzling smile, faithfully carrying a bouquet of roses for Lavanya. They were sitting in a corner now, chatting about something that made the latter blush profusely. Anjali's husband Shyam too arrived not much later, a grim expression on his face as his wife demanded something from him. They stood together at the ledge, muttering to each other. Shankar was occupied in a book, waiting patiently for Satya to finish dinner arrangements. Miffed as he was about not being able to fast, he still tried his best to support his wife.

Khushi was the only one standing alone, having no idea how to control the looming disaster.

Finally, the moon shone through the clouds, causing Lavanya to squeal in excitement and summon everyone.

Khushi watched Anjali and Satya exchange anxious looks, not knowing what to do.

"It's okay," she mumbled, almost numb to the embarrassment pulsing through her. "You guys go ahead. I am sure Arnav is on his way."

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