Chapter 5

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We're in this together!

Gladion's POV- Art class

(Y/N) and I were sitting together doing our work until we both got called up to the guidance office.
"Do you know what that's about?" , (Y/N) asked.
"No I don't." , I replied.

When we got to the guidance office, guess who was waiting for us? (Y/N)'s Ex best friend!
"Welcome. I thought you guys can forgive each other for what you've done." , the guidance counselor said glaring at me.
"(B/f) told me about all the bullying you guys have been doing to her-"
(Y/N) cut him right off and snapped, "We haven't done any bullying! It's the other way around! She's been harassing Gladion ever sense school started! She's even threatened to make my life hell!"
The guidance counselor grabbed (Y/N)'s arm really hard to the point where she was crying.
"That's not true." , said Y/N's ex best friend.
That's when I spoke up, "Yes it sure in hell is! You've bullied me sense day one! You never left me alone!"
"All I'm asking is a truce."
"I'm not giving you a truce. I'm not forgiving you." , I said.
"I'm not forgiving you either. Especially for the way you treated Gladion." , (Y/N) said walking out.
With that I walked out behind her.

"Is your arm alright?" , I asked.
"I'm not sure. I'm going to have it checked out anyway. It really hurts." , (Y/N) replied.

(Y/N)'s POV
I got my arm checked out by the nurse, and the nurse said, "You need that checked out by a doctor."
Gladion held my hand and said, "I'm right here with you."
The nurse looked at us and asked, "Are you guys dating yet?"
We both blushed and answered, "No we're not dating!"
"Hmm sure you're not."

Gladion's POV- Doctors

Apart of (Y/N)'s left arm was broken. It's a tiny crack, but still enough to make it hurt.
"Gladion... it really hurts..." , (Y/N) sobbed holding my hand.
"I know it does. The doctor will put a cast on shortly." , I said.
(Y/N)'s phone buzzed, so I pulled it out and saw it was from her sister: Where are you and Gladion? I'm getting worried. Parents are suspicious.

I texted back: This is Gladion. I'm at the doctors with (Y/N). Apart of her left arm is broken.

Her sister texted: What happened to her?

I texted: Guidance counselor grabbed her arm really hard. 😩

"Who was it Gladion?" , (Y/N) asked still holding my hand.
I'm letting her hold my hand for confront.
"It was your sister." , I replied.
"Oh okay. Parents are probably suspicious again." , (Y/N) said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah how did you know?" , I asked.
"They're always like that." , (Y/N) replied.

A while later, they put the cast on (Y/N)'s arm.
(Y/N) didn't look happy about it.

(Y/N)'s POV
We decided to go to my room and talk.
"I'm not happy." , I said, looking down at my cast.
"On the bright side it's only gonna be on for 4-6 weeks." , Gladion said.
"I know. It's not that. It's something else."
"What is it (Y/N)?"
I looked at Gladion then decided to say, "Never mind. It's nothing."

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