Chapter 13

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Jessica's POV (that night)

        I sat in the living room of Asher's house. As I was comforting Leigh I couldn't help but let my mind drift to Elliot and the guys.

        Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see Asher.

        "The message was given to Clayton, he wasn't happy though." he stated.

        "I figured that, I mean I did just disappear." I said blankly.

        Asher just shook his head and I watched his retreating figure.

Clayton's POV (Monday morning)

        I walked to Elliot's room hearing his cries. He was all I had left of her. As I picked him up his wailing slowly subsided.

        "I miss her." A voice said behind me.

        I turned and saw Tris leaning in the doorway. She decided to stay with us after Jessica left and has opened up more to us.

        "Tell me about him." I blurted.

        "Who?" she questioned, acting like she didn't know who I was referring to.

        "Jessica's father." I stated.

        "It's not my place to say," she sighed,"but at least that bastard is dead."

        "How do you know for sure?" I asked angrily.

        "She wouldn't leave with the job unfinished." she stated.

        "Well, who got her out of there?" I asked trying to calm down.

        She smirked then turned and started walking away, right before she disappeared from sight she said,"Why her gang of course."

Jessica's POV (that night)

        We had to prepare for any attacks my father's gang would try. Killing their leader didn't exactly scream not wanting to fight. I walked in front of my gang to tell them what we need to do to prepare for the attacks.

        "Have men set up at all entrances, I don't want to take any chances." I said while glancing down at Leigh.

        My men nodded and dispersed to follow my orders. The only person left was Asher.

        "Watch Leigh, I'm going out for a bit." Before he could protest I walked out the door.


        I looked in the mirror at my disguise. Readjusting the wig on my head I walked out hearing 'Black Lightning' being shouted.

        When I got to the center of the crowds, I looked at my opponent. He was a large guy, but he wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

        The bell rang to start and he immeadiatley started throwing punches that I dodged easily. When it was visible that he was getting tired I decided to make my move. I punched him and round kicked him in the head. He fell to the ground and I immeadiatley sent my fist into his face effectively knocking him out.

Clayton's POV

        As soon as I heard Tris say that I was confused. Why does Jessica have a gang? Who is her father? Where is her mother? Why is this girl so confusing?

        I looked at the time and cursed, I was running late. I got Elliot ready to go no longer caring if I was late or not.


        We dropped off Elliot and made it to school suprisingly early. We all were silent as we went to our lockers.

        My locker was the last one we went to because it was near the back door. As we walked to it I knew we were coming to the hall Jessica's locker was on. When we turned into the hall I felt Austin jab me in the ribs.

        I was about to curse at him when I looked up and saw Jessica standing at her locker. As soon as I saw her she turned around with her books and backpack in her hands.

        "Oh shit." she muttered.

Jessica's POV

        I quickly grabbed the things I needed out of my locker. I went to all my teachers and received all the homework for the week. Once I got all my things I shut my locker and turned around. There standing in front of me was Clayton, Austin, and Easton.

        "Oh shit." I muttered.

        I quickly turned around and ran to the doors that led outside where Asher was waiting with Leigh.

        "Jessica wait." shouted Clayton.

        When I didn't stop I heard three pairs of footsteps behind me. I burst through the doors quickly shouting at Asher to start the car when I saw him standing outside it holding Leigh.

        He turned to me at the same moment the guys burst through the doors and his eyes widened.

        He was in the car within seconds and I jumped in taking Leigh from his grasp and buckled her in quickly.

Clayton's POV

        As soon as she started running I shouted, " Jessica wait."

        When she didn't stop we all took off after her. We burst through the doors and saw Jessica running torwards a car. The same guy from the picture was there and his eyes widened when he saw us. He jumped in the car holding a little girl that looked like Elliot. Jessica quickly followed and they sped off.

        "Shit." I yelled and took my anger out on a cardboard box that was laying on the floor.

        Who knew when we were going to see her next, and hopefully she won't run away from us again.


        I know the beginning is confusing since it's not at the same time but whatever. Hope you like this because it is the first chapter that I wrote! 

       Comment on who you picture as the characters and the most popular will be chosen

Later peeps🐣❤

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