He's done with his sushi now and so now we're putting stuff away. I go throw the chopsticks and napkins away. "Next time I'll bring something to drink. Any suggestions?" He asks. I think for a moment before replying, "Maybe Caprisun?" He nods. "I love that drink, it's really good," he says. "Okay so the bell should be ringing soon, let's go our separate ways and after school let's meet at the front at 4:30." He nods in agreement. We separate and start heading to class. I miss hanging out with him already. I slouch and put on an angered frown. I get to class and sit down at my seat. There's a few people, but not a lot. The bell rings as I sit down and in no time, the whole class is in the class already. After a minute or two, Present Mic comes in. "Okay let's continue," he says and then starts to speak about more non-interesting stuff.

The bell finally rings signaling the end of the day. I can't wait to hang out with Shoto today. I go to the nearest restroom excitedly. I walk in and look in the mirror. I try smiling to myself, but then I see how ugly I am. He doesn't like me. He definitely just asked me out to be nice. I sigh and take out my phone to put on some music. When I plug in my earbuds, I press shuffle on my playlist and the first song to play is Lovebug by the Jonas Brothers. I sing along to the song as I go to lock the door. After I do that, I go and check the stalls to see if anyone is in them. Luckily there isn't, so I continue singing. "Head over heels in the moment, I never thought that I'd catch this lovebug again..."

I continue singing, not to loud, to the songs that play after too. I'm not good at singing, hell I'd say that I suck, but come on, who doesn't like singing along to their music? I check the time and see that it's 4:27. Hm only three more minutes. I make sure that the make-up under my eyes is fine along with the scar make-up and then unlock the door. I step out and walk down the hallway towards the front of the school. I'm still listening to my music and when I open the front doors, I see Shoto. He's waiting and when he sees me, he smiles and waves. I smile at him too and wave back. When I reach him, I pull out the earbuds and put pause on my music.

"Okay so for dinner, you're helping me make lasagna, okay?" He asks. I look at him and nod. "I like lasagna, it's kind of like spaghetti, but with a few more ingredients, you know?" I ask. He laughs a bit and agrees with me. "I have to be home by 8:20, so yeah," I say. He nods. "We won't start until 7, so we have about 2 hours to play the Wii. The lasagna will be done by 7:45 hopefully, so I'm pretty sure you'll be home before 8:20." I nod. I'm supposed to be home at 8:30, but I needed to make sure I was home before then. After talking about which Just Dance versions he had, we got to his house. It was quite big and awesome. "Wow," I say. "Yes well, welcome to my humble abode." He bows. I laugh at how formal he's being.

He opens the door and I wait for him to walk in. He's waiting for me to walk in though. We look at each other for a bit, before I decide to walk in first. "Thank you," I say. I trust him, so I'm not very anxious when he's behind me, but I still have a little bit of anxiety. We take off our shoes and then he says, "You can leave your blazer and bag here." I nod and put them in the cubbies he had motioned to. "Let's go play some games," he says. I nod and follow him up the stairs. There weren't any cars in the driveway and it's quiet, so I don't think anyone is home. "Okay so I'll go get some chips, you turn on the Wii." He leaves the room and I go to turn on the TV and Wii. He comes back when I'm putting in the game and puts the chips on his bed.

"I know that at Midoriya's I was confused about how to use the remote, but that was only because I've never played Mario Kart. Only Mario Brothers." I nod. "I was wondering how you had a Wii, but didn't know how to hold a controller when you told me that you had a Wii." I grab a remote and then hand him the 1st player one. He makes an account for me really quick and names me 'explosion'. His username is 'who cares'. It's all lowercase and it looks like he didn't even try to choose a good name. "Why is yours 'who cares'? He laughs and says, "My sister was setting up our accounts and when she asked me what I wanted my username to be I was like, 'who cares', so she just put it as that. I haven't changed it because I still don't care." I laugh and then he puts play.

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