I nodded and quickly did everything that Chat Noir told me to. He smiled once more and said, "You're going to do great tonight Alan. I just know it." I smiled weakly. I was super nervous now, for some reason. But I pushed it down and watched as Chat Noir extended his baton, pushing open the window. He looked back at me and said with a wink, "Oh, and feel free to use my nicknames." With that, he bounded away, leaving me by myself. 

Emma's POV

Tonight was the night that Mom and Dad were going to reveal themselves to the world. Tonight was the night that I would reveal myself to the world as the new Ladybug. The new savior of Paris. 

"Emma! Are you ready?" Mom called up the stairs. "Coming Mom!" I hollered down the stairs. I brushed my hair one last time and checked myself out in the mirror. I decided I looked pretty ok and quickly tied my hair into its usual low ponytail, then rushed down the stairs into the living room, where Mom, Dad, Tikki, Plagg, Hugo and Louis were waiting for me. "I'm ready!" I exclaimed, running over to Mom and Dad and skidding to a stop just in front of them.

Mom smiled at me and said, "Tikki, spots on." while Dad said, "Plagg, claws out." A red and green light engulfed the room, forcing Hugo, Louis and me to shield our eyes. Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared in Mom and Dad's places. But there was something different about their costumes. Ladybug and Chat Noir still had their masks on, but their full body suit was gone.

Ladybug was wearing a bright red tight-fitting dress that flowed all the way down to her ankles with black spots all over it, like a Ladybug. Chat Noir was wearing a black suit with a green tie. I raised my eyebrows at them and asked, "Why are you wearing that? And how did you get into that?" Ladybug smiled and said, "The miraculous comes with its very own formal costume that is related to that particular miraculous. You know, for public appearances and stuff. This also allows the miraculous holder to be transformed longer."

Chat Noir turned to Hugo and Louis and instructed, "Hugo, Louis, stay here and watch us on television, ok? We'll be back soon." They nodded and got seated on the couch, making themselves as comfortable as possible. Ladybug smiled at me and asked, "Are you ready Emma?" I nodded. I wasn't really. But I couldn't tell Ladybug that. She smiled at me and put her hand on my shoulder. She looked at me with kind eyes, understanding flashing in them. Ladybug reassured me, "Hey. It's ok not to be ready. Being Ladybug is a huge thing. The important thing is to face it. Not run away."

I nodded and smiled at Ladybug. Chat Noir turned to me and said, "Alright then. Time to get down to business. Ladybug and I have decided to reveal ourselves at twelve midnight sharp. After that, Tikki and Plagg will fly to you and the new Chat Noir with the miraculouses. After you transform, come back out and we'll introduce you to the world. Got it?" I nodded again.

Ladybug wrapped her arm around me and we lifted off into the sky. I whooped with joy as Ladybug ran in the direction of the Louvre, Chat Noir right behind her. I loved the feeling of the wind in my hair, the adrenaline pumping through my veins, the lights of the city flashing right beneath me. I had a feeling choosing to be Ladybug is going to be the best decision I will ever make. Ladybug landed on the top of the Louvre, Chat Noir beside her. 

Ladybug turned to Chat Noir and asked, "You already talked to the new Chat Noir, right?" He nodded and replied, "Yup. I'll see you in the lobby, ok M'lady?" Ladybug nodded and Chat Noir slid down the back of the Louvre, walking in through a back door and disappearing out of sight. Ladybug slid down the slanted wall and stopped at a window. She opened it up and dropped me inside, then came in after me. Looking around, I realised we were in the Ancient Greece section of the Louvre. Ladybug closed the window and hopped down, landing beside me.

She smiled at me and said, "The new Chat Noir will be in the Ancient Egypt section. You have your phone with you?" I took it out of my back pocket and showed it to Ladybug. She nodded, satisfied, and continued, "Good. Turn on the notifications for news. You're going to need that in the future. Use that to watch the live footage of the Louvre. When Chat Noir and I detransform, Tikki and Plagg should appear maybe ten seconds later. Wear the miraculous, say the transformation words and come right back out. Tikki will explain everything to you."

Book 1: New RevelationsWhere stories live. Discover now