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I decided to organize the chapters so sequels immediately come after the previous chapter, so it's not so confusing.

I'm afraid this will be the last chapter. I hope you enjoy.

Naomi Solace was getting married, to a man by the name of Skyler James. They had been dating for nearly five years when Naomi proposed. Before popping the question, she had consulted Will, who gave his blessing.

The wedding day was here. Naomi and Skyler were to be married at the Blue Lakes Country Club. As Will donned his suit, he tried to calm his nerves. He would be singing a song during the wedding ceremony that he had heard for the first time only a week ago; despite listening to it and singing it constantly, he was nervous about remembering the lyrics. He glanced at his reflection-- a simple suit, with his blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, blue eyes wide and nervous. He steeled himself, then walked out the door.

Pictures were taken with all of Naomi's and Skyler's extended families. The hours flashed by, and before Will knew it, the ceremony was about to begin. He stood off to the side, heart racing, hands clenching and unfurling.

He watched the procession make its way down the aisle, one by one. The flower girl, the ring bearer. His gaze wandered, scanning the crowd. Many faces were familiar-- his grandparents, his uncles, his aunts and nephews and cousins. He found the photographer and made sure to give them a bright smile when their camera trained on him.

Suddenly, everything went silent; you could have heard a pin drop. Then that well-known tune began to play as Naomi advanced down the aisle.

She was beautiful-- her blonde hair gleamed in the sunlight, spilling to her shoulders in a mass of curls. Her white dress trailed behind her, her delicate shoes silent on the floor. Behind her veil, her face was alight with the purest joy. Seeing her now, Will could see why Apollo had fallen for her so long ago. She radiated love and warmth.

Naomi reached the altar. The priest began the ceremony. Will was comforted by his strong voice. He watched Naomi and Skyler. The love in their eyes made his heart flutter with joy.

"We will now have a song performed by Will Solace, the bride's son." Will stood up, taking a deep breath, then gently took the mic from the priest, determined to keep his hands from shaking. The music filled the air, weaving its way among the people. Will bit his lip, then began to softly sing.

I do swear
That I'll always be there
I'd give anything and everything
And I will always care
Through weakness and strength
Happiness and sorrow
For better, for worse, I will love you With every beat of my heart

Will's eyes scanned the room yet again, picking out his family, all smiling in encouragement. He smiled as the music slowed, then began the first verse.

From this moment, life has begun
From this moment, you are the one
Right beside you is where I belong
From this moment on

From this moment, I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love, I'd give my last breath
From this moment on

The words came naturally; he was surprised he had learned them so quickly.

I give my hand to you with all my heart
I can't wait to live my life with you, I can't wait to start
You and I will never be apart
My dreams came true because of you

His voice echoed through the room, strong and clear like his mother's. Not one made a sound.

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment on

His eyes wandered to his mother and was surprised to see she was crying, a smile of love on her face. Skyler gave him a kind smile. Will returned it, then turned back to the crowd.

You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live
I will love you, I promise you this
There is nothing I wouldn't give
From this moment
I will love you as long as I live
From this moment on

As Will hummed the ending and the music came to a close, he felt a rush of emotion. Tears filled his eyes, and he blinked them back as he handed the mic back to the priest and sat down, swiping at his eyes.

The ceremony went on. Vows were exchanged, and the priest declared Naomi and Skyler husband and wife. Skyler removed Naomi's veil and kissed her, cheers erupting from the group. Will cheered with them, dancing down the aisle with his mom and father-in-law.

The reception began. Will remembered it in flashes: laughing along with the stories. Slow-dancing with his mother, tears streaming down both their faces as the music filled the air. Leaping up and snatching the garter out of mid-air, only to trip and fall into the lap of a handsome boy, beaming at the stranger as the onlookers howled with laughter. Grooving on the dance floor, head thrown back as he cheered with the rest, hands raised to the ceiling.

Now he sat at a table, watching Naomi and Skyler dance to "Shake It Off," reflecting on all the good times: playing guitar with Naomi, seeing Skyler at his basketball games...


He stirred, then turned to find a familiar man in a black suit and gold tie, with tanned skin, blonde hair pulled back in a bun, and sharp blue eyes. Shock jolted through Will; he had seen the man's face only a few times in his life, but had memorized every detail.


The god smiled, tugging at his sleeves, before sitting next to Will. "How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks." A beat of silence. Then Will said, "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you. And this Skyler I heard about." A kind smile. "I saw you sing earlier. Was that Shania Twain?"

"Yeah. I didn't see you in the crowd?" The question was hesitant.

"I was invisible."


The kind smile became mischievous. "I saw you catch that garter and take quite a fall. That boy was handsome, eh?"

Will's face reddened. "It was an accident."

A smirk. "Really."

Will gaped at Apollo, at a loss for words. The god threw back his head and gave a booming laugh, startling those nearby.

Silence settled over the two as they watched the newly wed couple dance with abandon. Apollo's eyes were full of compassion, even sadness.

"Is she happy?" Apollo asked, voice hushed.

"Happier than I've ever seen her."

"Are you happy?"

A pause, then, "Yes. Yes, I am."

"Good." Apollo stood. "I should go."

"Now?" Will asked, surprised. "Don't you want to introduce yourself?"

"Now might not be the best time. Until then, take care, William."

Apollo leaned in and pressed a kiss to Will's cheek. Will tensed, but before he could do anything, his father had vanished into the crowd.

Standing up, Will scanned the crowd, yearning coursing through him-- yearning for an emotional connection with his father that he had craved for fifteen years. But Apollo was gone. He pressed a hand to his cheek, a small smile tugging at his mouth.

He wouldn't be able to have that connection with his father that he once so desperately wanted-- but that was okay. He was surrounded by friends and family that cared for him and loved him truly.

That little conversation they had exchanged would be burned into his memory. He would remember Apollo's laugh and smile, remember the compassion in his eyes.

And that was enough.

"Will!" Skyler called. "Come dance with us!"

With a giddy smile, Will Solace rushed to join his new family on the floor.

WILL SOLACE ONE-SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now