Chapter 3: Down the Rabbit Hole

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Juniper sets a casual pace as we stroll down the deteriorating streets of the old district. It's not uncommon to find places like this in cities all around the world. Leylines shift, and people follow. Those who can't afford to leave make their living in streets barren of magic, using only what they were born with and, often, collections of miss-matched magical artifacts and charms. The people we pass wear strings of beads around their necks, have leaves and sticks poking out of their pockets, and sigils and symbols sewn into their clothing. It's a colorful sight, only slightly dulled by the often sullen looks on their faces. One lady we pass has a multitude of solid black eyes, like those of a spider, and her coat jingles from the tens of tiny bells sewn onto its ends.

I try not to stare like some privileged tourist, but I still feel like one. Once again, I regret never leaving the perceived safety of the town center near the university. June, however, looks right at home. She smiles at the people and creatures we pass, sometimes even greeting them by name. And they often return her greeting, their faces lighting up with a smile, even if they've only exchanged simple pleasantries. I was right, her enthusiasm is infectious. She even strikes up pleasant conversation with an elf, which I previously thought to be impossible. (Mafia connections? Possible.)

After a couple of these exchanges, I comment, "You sure do know a lot of people."

"Comes with the territory I guess. Can't go around questioning people for long without them remembering your face." She shrugs, hiding her prideful smirk in the collar of her coat.

"So you've been a detective for a while then?" I ask, trying to press her for more information.

"A couple of years." she answers cryptically, but before I can question her further, she stops. "Looks like we're here."

We've reached the edge of a thick wood, which, from my basic knowledge of the geography of Phantombelle, is located on the outskirts of the city, right before you hit the mountains. Apparently the hiking's good, so long as you never stray from the trails, and pretend not to notice the movement just out of the corner of your eye. Juniper has apparently never heard this advice, because she plunges right into the underbrush. I assume her "informant" must live here, which has me wondering as to their sanity.

I make an effort to keep up, after all, she looks like she knows what she's doing, and the only thing worse than being lost in the woods is being lost alone in the woods. As I make an effort to keep up with June, she mutters, "I'm sure it was around here somewhere," whilst staring into the dark of the woods, which are shadowed in darkness. Oh yeah, real reassuring.

As I'm fending off a headache, she lets out a shout of, "There it is!" and proceeds to grab my hand and practically drag me in a direction slightly to the left of the way we were heading before. When I see what she's looking at, I drag my feet even more. In front of us, a blue flame floats independent of any kindling. It has a shimmering, ephemeral quality to it that I can't quite describe, and I'm sure if I had even a drop of magic in me, it'd be as drawn to that thing as my eye is.

"T-that's-That's a will-o'-wisp." I manage to stutter out in my shock. June, the apparent madwoman, just continues toward the thing, like she's never read a fairytale in her life, dragging me along like a ragdoll.

"It sure is! These are going to lead us to where we need to be!" June responds, absolute, stupid confidence showing on her face. When we reach the flame, it goes out like a candle, and another one appears about ten yards away. As I'm dragged helplessly to what I assume is my doom, every story I've ever heard about about will-o'-wisps comes back to me.

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