Inside your head - Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

I could feel warm tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill. I could never let Y/n see me cry, she can't tell that I'm breaking with her, she just needs to focus on herself and ignore my confusing feelings.

Y/n discreetly put her hand on my back. "It's okay, I'm okay, we're okay. No need to get so worked up, Eric." Y/n answered with a slight chuckle.

I was going to back away from her, but I can't let her see me cry, I just can't, so I just dematerialized so she can't see me, she can just hear me.

"I apologize for that, that unprofessional." I straighten my tie, not that she be able to see it through.

She smiled. "It's okay, you're just worried, nothing unprofessional about that, Eric." She reassured me.

If only she knew of all of these other feelings I had for her, those definitely are unprofessional, but I can't bring myself to tell her about that. "Yeah... Worried..."

——Y/n (Your) POV!——

That was a little strange of Eric... Is he okay? Should I ask him about it? I probably shouldn't, he's under enough stress as it is, so I shouldn't pester him about it.

The car turned off. "Okay Y/n, we're here," Chloe said, unbuckling herself.

I slightly nodded and slid out of my seat onto the ground. Chloe locked the car and so she and I began to walk towards the front door. Not even a second later, I witnessed a small man with a red streak in his hair jump out of a second story and plummet to the ground, and to add onto all of that, he was only wearing pants.

I facepalmed. "Rich, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

Before Rich could answer, Jake's head popped out of the window. "WHOOOO! WE GOT THAT ON VIDEO!!!" Jake yelled. "Oh, hey Y/n." He calmed down.

"Smooth." I slightly chuckled out. I walked over to where Rich was and helped him up off the ground. "Anyone want to tell me why my smol red bean jumped out a window?"

Now Brooke's head was out the window. "Jake said, and I quote: 'Bet you won't jump out the window', And then Rich looked at Jake and said: '... Bet...' and here we are." Brooke explained.

I slightly rolled my eyes in a playful manner and took Chloe and Rich to the front door which was unlocked. The three of us entered and closed the door behind us to then hear Jake and Brooke walk down the stairs. Well, I thought it was just Brooke and Jake, but when I saw Jeremy behind them, I was a little startled.

"Jeremy?" I hesitantly called out to him.

"What's up, Y/n?" He replied with. Actually, I could tell that his Squip told him to say that, it was too obvious to me, Jeremy would never say 'what's up' naturally, that's just not how his brain is wired. He was out of character, and, I couldn't tell why, but it made me slightly sick to my stomach to see him this way.

I put my arms behind my back and weakly scratched my palms. "Er, it's going fine," I turned to Rich. "Yo, Richard, mind if I step to your kitchen to grab something to drink?" I asked, trying to escape the conversation.

Rich shrugged. "Sure, just keep walking down the hall, you'll get to it later." He said. I nodded and exited. Thank god. I can't talk to Jeremy right now. Especially because I know that his Keanu-Squip would listen in and just continue to use Jeremy as his own husk.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge looking for something to drink. I glanced around before settling on some orange juice. I pulled it out of the fridge and began to pour myself a cup.

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