Chapter Eight

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I paced around the room after speaking to Zach. He never calls me Bex. On rare occasion Rebecca, sure, but never, at least since graduation, has he ever called me Bex. "You need to sleep." Grant said pulling me into a hug from behind. I loved it when he did that and he knew it. "Yes. Yes I do.". "Thinking out loud?" I asked he nodded. He always had a way of making me feel as if everything was okay and always will be. And for a few, just a few, seconds I let myself believe that it is true. But deep, deep down I know that it's not. I went to sleep. When I woke, we were there. Well not there but fifty miles away from there. I was throwing on my jacket when Macey grabbed my arm. "We can't go now." She said. "Why?" I asked suddenly furious. "Because, when I was ready to do exactly what you're about to do for Preston, a good friend of mine, a good spy told me that we won't get them back by running off half-cocked with no plan. We get them back by being smart. Don't you be a hypercrite. We're going to do this by being smart. You're going to do this by being smart. Or you're not going to do at all! Do you understand me? We'll plan tonight and take action tomorrow. Got it?!" Macy said. "Get me a beer. It's gonna be long night." I said taking off my jacket. "You don't drink beer." Grant whispered in my ear as he handed me a beer. "And that's why you're gonna help me." I said taking a drink of beer. Turns out I didn't really need help, I drank it all. Slowly but surely. "How can you drink that stuff? It's disgusting!" Liz said. I took a beer bottle and dumped it out. "What are you doing?" Ri asked. "Liz refuses to try red wine. And I just know if she tries it she'll love it. And after a bottle of beer I get the least bit mean, only when I'm stressed though. Plus I'm bored. Let's have fun." I said while pouring red wine into the beer bottle. "Your a little evil, Bex." She replied with an evil look on her face. "Well if I wasn't I wouldn't be me, I would be Macey." I said laughing. "Liz here. Give it a try." I said holding the beer bottle out. "I don't drink alcohol, Bex. You know that. I especially don't. Drink. Beer." She said typing away at her computer. "Come on Lizzie give it a try. And if you can't stand it at all, I'll drink it for you." Jonas said. "Yeah Lizzie." everyone besides Liz and Jonas said mockingly. She smelled it, took a sip, looked at it, and took another drink. "This is delicious. What brand is this Bex? We must buy some more." she exclaimed. "It's not beer, Liz. You wouldn't like beer." I said with a completely strait face. "What?! Bex what did you give me?! I'm gonna die!". Everyone was laughing now. "Red wine." I said after I got myself to stop laughing hysterically. "What?" She looked at me with confusion. "Red wine. That's what I gave you. Red wine.". "Bex!" Liz screamed. "Good ain't it?" I asked smiled. I grabbed Macey, Grant, and Jonas a beer. And sparkling cider from the under aged. "It's not like we haven't had alcohol before." Ri murmured under her breathe. "I'm gonna act like I didn't hear that. To enlighten everyone's mood we're going to play Macey's version of truth or dare. Macey explain." I said. I then grabbed Grant's beer took a sip and sat on his lap. He looked confused at first but then realized I was on his lap and grabbed the beer from me and took a sip. "I'm surprised you suggested after last time. Ok so my version of truth or dare is a mix between truth or dare and spin the bottle. You spin the bottle whoever it lands on gets asked truth or dare. If you don't want to answer a truth or do a dare you have to do the opposite. Therefore if you don't wanna answer And since there are youngsters here let's keep it pg-13ish." Macey said. The 'youngsters' rolled their eyes. Ri spun first. "Bex truth or dare?" She asked. "D. A. R. E." I said with my game face on. "Seduce Grant." She said. "Whoa what happened to pg-13? What's your question?" I asked. "Have you've had sex with Grant?" Now that really got my attention. "Seriously has pg-13 gone out the door?" I took a second and decide answering that question is way better that seducing Grant. "No. No we haven't nor will we until you see a ring on my finger." I said then spun the bottle. "Layla truth or dare?" I guess I had a evil look on my face because Liz said "Go easy on her Bex, she's just a youngster.". She tried to stay serious after that but couldn't. "I think Liz needs more alcohol." I said handing her the whole bottle of red wine, she drank it all in thirty minutes. So let me remind Liz is very much unexperienced with drinking. So she was very extremely drunk. It was hilarious! I mean everyone was drunk besides Grant and me. I tried to get him drunk. I did. But he also has an iron stomach meaning he would have to drink a lot of alcohol to get drunk. When all the others passed out and the sophomores were asleep, so maybe I slipped a sleeping pill in their ciders. "I can't believe Liz drank a whole bottle of red wine. We should get some sleep." I smiled at him. I wished I didn't have to leave him. "Sure thing, sweet pea."I smirked. "So I'm sweet pea now?" I asked looking him strait in the eye. "Are we dating?" He asked. My smile widened. "Yes. We are dating.". "Then yes you are sweet pea now, along with a various amount of other silly names that people in relationships use.". He kissed me gently. I don't know what came over me but as he pulled out I kissed him hard. I stopped myself. Waiting for marriage, Bex. Waiting for marriage. We,well he, went to sleep. I slipped out of bed and dressed in black tights, a black beanie, a black tank top, and my favorite black high heeled boots that have built in knife pockets (best birthday gift from Liz that I have ever received since the day we met). I suited up with thousands of knifes, several tranquilizer guns, two normal guns, a bow and arrow, those googles you use to see in the dark, and two swords on my back. I slipped out into the night. I decided the only way I get in is silently. So I walked there. After walking for about five minutes I heard footsteps behind me. I stepped behind a tree. I could tell it was a man, women walk lighter than men. The man stopped by my tree, I punched him in the gut. The man just grabbed me and held me. No matter how many times I kicked, punched, head butted, and kneed him he wouldn't fight back he just tried to hold onto me. "Rebecca." that stopped me in my tracks, it was Grant. That was the first time he called me Rebecca just us, he was mad. I've never seen him mad. "You left. You left me after I went to sleep. You thought you could just do this on your own? You don't trust me do you? You're still mad. How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" He sounded hurt. I turned to look at his face. His face was heartbroken. Seeing his face hurt. A tear ran down my face. "I thought you wouldn't let me. I thought I would be better off by myself. I'm not use to this. To loving someone. To having a partner. I swear I didn't mean to hurt you. I just need to find her. I need to bring them home. I can't stand the thought of her stuck in that house yet again." I said. He whipped the tears off my face. "I told you I want to be there for you." He slightly smiled. "So does that mean you're not going to stop me?" I asked sounding like a little girl. "Well I'm going with you. Surely I would die on the plane when Macey found out you left. Plus do you really think I would miss this?" we continued walking. "What aren't you missing. It's no different from the fights you have on missions." I said. "You see that is where you're wrong. One you're here dressed in that sexy outfit with a lot of weapons, which I don't whether or not to feel scared or safe about. And two my ugly partner isn't here hitting on me." He shivered at the thought of his partner. Mental note scare Grant's partner. "You plan on killing anyone tonight, Bex?" He asked realizing I had guns with me. "They took my sister. Someone who's been there for me since we met, who always seems to be there when I missed my parents, when I felt like I was alone, no matter how much I try to push her away. They took a sister of my sisterhood. My sister. So do I plan on killing anyone tonight? Hell yea, I do. You don't mess with a Gallagher Girl. Most importantly you don't mess with my family.". We walked for while. "You know where we're heading right?" He asked. "Of course I do. I'm always prepared, remember?" He smiled. "Yeah . . . I remember.". "This place looks better, prettier in the summer." I said. He nodded. We were now about ten miles away from the stone house. He stopped and pulled me into a kiss. "When we get in there, you be careful okay. We want to bring them back, not join them. I'm not losing you. You're gonna be stuck with me for as long as possible. We stick together on this ok? You trust me?" he looked completely serious. I nodded. "You ready for this Grant? You've never seen me in action before." I smirked as we approached the stone house. "I'm in for a show, aren't I?" he asked. I winked at him and blew a kiss which he caught and with his right hand and place his right hand over his heart. We were flirtatious, I remember exactly why I liked him as he came into our class. And why I kissed him when he caught me and pulled me into that closet at the mall. As I expected there was guards walking the perimeter. I pointed up looking at Grant. We both climbed the tree. He signed 'I don't know how you do all that in high heels. Hmm what a turn on!'. In response I smirked and pulled out my bow and arrow. I aimed for the guard as did Grant. I shot the guard right in the heart. Then jumped from the branch and rolled as I hit the ground. Grant shot the guard in the eye and climbed down. "How do we get in? A bomb? Break a window? Break a door?" He asked. As we reached the stone house. I looked at him "What is up with you and your weird obsession with breaking and entering through uncalled for means? We get in like this." I said opening the door. As we entered we were greeted by a bunch of guards, which only mad my smirk widen. With a little laugh I pulled out my guns and started shooting. When I ran out of bullets I through the guns at two men. I grabbed the swords from off my back. I slashed a couple of guys on their stomachs. Then threw the at two other guys. That was all the guys in that room I was walking towards the basement when something hit my shoulder. I pulled it out. A tranquilizer, I knew this was too easy! Great just great! Now I get to sleep more!

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