Chapter Seven

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I woke up and Gallagher Girl was still sleeping. She was beautiful. She looked as if something was wrong. I looked around, that's when I saw it. C. A. M. and M. A. M. Cameron Ann Morgan and Mathew Andrew Morgan. I don't know why but I closed my eyes and touched the C. A. M. I kinda felt as if I could feel the pain she went through while she was here, at the stone house. With my eyes closed, I could imagine my mother hurting her, thank god she's dead. Slashing her with a whip, Cammie staying strong staring blankly at her. Taking a knife and digging it into her skin, Cammie still resisting. Beating her until she bled, yet Cammie still refusing to say anything. That's when I heard her scream. I knew something was wrong with her today. I can understand why, she's back in the place she was tortured. It probably brought back a lot of unhappy memories. I instantly ran over to her as she curled up into a ball and began rocking back and forth. "You were dead." She said. "I'm here Gallagher Girl. I'm here." I said it over again while holding her. She kept repeating "You were dead. You were dead. You were dead.". It was starting to freak me out. "It's okay. I'm right here. I'm not going to leave you. I will never leave you. You're okay. We're okay." I said. It didn't calm her down. She still rocked back and forth while saying 'You were dead' over and over and over again. She was really scaring me now. "Cammie please say something other than you were dead. I love you but I need you say something other than you were dead. Please. Can you do that? For me?" I asked. I felt as if she would be in this state forever. I can't stand to see her in pain. She was obviously terrified. She apparently thought I was dead. She nodded, then said "You were dead and it's all my fault, Zach. I let you die, it's all my fault." she stared at the wall with no emotion in her eyes. Then repeatedly said "It's all my fault.". Just great! Now she's blaming herself. "Cammie? Please tell me you're okay." Bex said. "Cammie I'm gonna grab your necklace off your neck okay?" I said because if I just grab it off of her neck at the state she was in she'd break my hands. She nodded, I slowly unhooked the necklace from the back of her neck. Before speaking into the necklace I kissed the top of her head, which caused her to change her phrase to 'I'm so sorry'. "Bex, it's Zach." I said trying to sound like everything was okay. But I forgot ever since graduation I called her Baxter. "What's wrong with Cammie? You never call me Bex.". I didn't respond, instead I stared at Cammie. "Zach?". She sounded like she was about to cry. I could hear her pacing. "Stop pacing. I can hear you pacing.". "Is she okay?" She asked. "She had bad dream. She woke up screaming. Then she curled up in a ball and repeatedly said you were dead. Then it was it's all my fault. Now it is I'm so sorry. I've tried talking to her but she won't stop repeating those phrases." I didn't hear a reply after that. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her. She was now saying 'you were dead. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry, Zach. I'm so sorry.' she was crying too. I sat there for thirty minutes listening to this. I closed my eyes. A tear ran down my face and onto Cammie's head. "Are you okay?" A small, weak voice asked. "Zach, are you okay?" She asked again. "Oh my god, you're crying." She said. Which made me smile. She touched the tear. "Sorry I have to get used to this. It's rare to see Zachary Goode cry." She was laughing. Her smile filled me with joy. I couldn't help myself and kissed her. "You okay now?" She asked. "Why were you freaking out for like hours?" I asked. She looked at the ground as she said "when I was here, Catherine came in with someone who looked just like you. I mean I may have been hallucinating or something, but she made me think it was you. She said if I didn't tell her who 'they' were she'd let you die. I didn't know so, she stuck something that made you die faster. She told me it was all my fault. I caused it. I screamed at you. I begged, pleaded. But you just lied there on the ground. I was holding your hand. You squeezed it before you died. That was the day I finally finished that." She said pointing at the C. A. M. "It's a reason I was so distant when I came back, I didn't know if you were . . . real. But that night In that secret passageway, I knew." She finished. " Zach, why were you crying?" She asked. I shock my head no, then receiving a punch in my side. "The things you said, started freaking me out. I couldn't help you, nothing I'd say would help get you out of that trance. You looked terrified, Cam. Terrified. I can't stand to see you in pain, Cam. And then there was that look in your eyes. That emotionless look. It scared me to see you like that." I said trying not to look at her. "I'm sorry." she said. "Don't be. I think Bex is going to have a mental breakdown. Or start running again. We talked, she must know. Looks like her so called team know where we are and are coming to get us." I said smirking. "Her team is a bunch of Gallagher Girls. They'll get it done. We'll be home in no time." Cammie said smiling.

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