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Honestly, I hate school with a burning passion. Learning is fun when you genuinely care and want to do something new, but getting work on shit I don't need to learn is what ruins everything. If there are any mistakes please let me know and I'll fix them.



"Employers and fighters, thank you for waiting. Our ship has set sail and I'd also like to take this opportunity to announce that the preliminary match of the Kengan Annihilation Tournament has begun," 

"Preliminary match?" Kaede mumbles, lifting her hand up to her face as her eyes go wide in shock and worry.

"One hundred and fifty-one participants have been entered into the tournament. Twenty-eight out of the 151 participants have an invitation from Chairman Katahara and are locked in their spots for the final," Y/n cringes at the number of people. 

"Only five more participants can make it to the finals so we would like to challenge everyone here to a battle royal. You have until dawn," Kaede runs to the red steel doors, pulling and banging her fists on the door desperately.

"Excuse me! I'm not supposed to be in here! I'm not a fighter!"

"From now on, you are prohibited from contacting your fighter for any reason. Now, please enjoy watching the battle royal from the viewing area above the field. You may also enjoy a game on the deck courtesy of our bookmaker. Anyone who is confident about the outcome is welcome to place a bet,"

Y/n sighs after all the information the man had given. He talked way too much and way too slow. 

"Guess we're stuck until the match is over. That includes you. You have no choice. Be careful not to get in my way," He turns away and Y/n is left dumbfounded. No way was she going to babysit Kaede when she had other trouble makers to watch! 

She raises her hand and so does Kaede. They both hit Ohma upside his head and he stumbles from the impact. 

"Are you stupid or what," She looks up at Ohma who was rubbing the back of his head.

"What did I do?"

"It's your fault I'm stuck here in the first place! You're responsible for this Ohma so you know what you have to do, you as well Y/n," 

His eyes are wide for moments second and Y/n just rolls her eyes as she stands beside Kaede, getting ready to punch the fuck out of anyone that came to attack. "You got a lot of nerve," he smirks but then his expression turns back into a blank stare before turning his attention to some random man that came up to them.

"Do you think we'll go easy on you just because you brought yourself a couple of girls with ya?" Y/n gently pushes Kaede behind her as she watches another man come up. "The match has already started!" Ohma glances at the two of you and back to the two men. "Kaede Akiyama-"

"It's Miss. Akiyama to you," he sighs before turning around.

"Stand back and don't leave Y/n's side," 

Right as she backs up behind a bit more behind Y/n, Ohma evades the two fists that attempted to close in on him by directing them to each other.

"I'll make sure you're both protected, my queens," Y/n scoffs as she sends a pair of competitors away with a swift kick

"You're right about me being a queen but I don't need you to protect me,"


More people begin to gather around them and Y/n takes down the ones who attempt to surprise them from behind while Ohma took the ones who went head-on. 

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