Coma #4 pt2

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Paul had set up his camp for the night as he let his Pokemon out.

Electivire whines softly and lightly nuzzles Paul. He doesn't usually give affection but wanted Paul to go back to Ash. It has been a few months since the big fight.

"Stop it Electivire. It's over between Ash and I. He has his big hero legacy... and I'm sick of having my heart break every time I almost see the person I love die."

Electivire stung Paul lightly with one of his tails. He roared lightly and tried to get Paul to continue to go after Ash.

Paul didn't even respond. His black eyes were void of emotion as he stood up. "Just give it a rest Electivire. Ash had his life and I have mine. I was an idiot to think a relationship between us could ever work out."

Paul stood up and walked towards a nearby stream as he knelt down and stared blankly into space.

Electivire whines and follows his trainer. He roared and stroked Paul's hair with his tails.

"Besides... I'm sure he's already moved on." Paul said softly as he stared at his hands.

Electivire gives Paul a *are you seriously believing that dense kid actually moved on* look.

Paul sighed before looking at his stat Pokemon. "Okay wise guy if you're full of ideas then what am I supposed to do? It's not like Ash is just going to come falling from the sky...what the heck?" Paul's head snapped up as he heard a familiar voice crying out in the distance.

"Gah!" "Pika-Pika!" Paul's eyes widened and his mouth fell open as he saw Ash and Pikachu fall from the sky and landed in a heap a few feet away from his campsite.

Ash coughed and groaned lightly. "Okay... officially hate that plan..." Ash groans rubbing his ass.

"Pika-Pika." Pikachu agreed before his little lightning bolt tail shot up in the air. "Pika!" He said pointing at Paul's campsite.

Ash blinks and looks up. His face turns red as his eyes widen. "P-P-Paul..." he stuttered and quickly got up.

Paul didn't respond as he continued staring at Ash his mouth open in shock. "Ash.....what the heck are you doing here? I thought you said you were going to be stopping Team Rocket and their goons ......"

"W-well I was. I-I was kinda in one of their storage planes. I hijacked it but it started to explode after I saved the Pokémon. So... Lance told me to jump... and here we are." Ash explains as he gets back up dusting himself off.

Paul had to fight the urge to roll eyes and not grit his teeth as he got to his feet. "Still can't keep out of trouble I see." Paul said softly as he brushed himself off.

Ash smiles softly. "As much as I try it just follows me around. It's as bad as Jessie and James and Meowth was."

"Those idiots were anything annoying."

Ash smiles before clipping a Pokeball off his belt. "Pidgeot I choose you. I want you to look for Team Rocket's airplane and when you're done come back to me." Ash said as he stroked the Bird Pokémon.

Pidgeot quickly flew off. "So you and Lance are working together,?" Paul asked trying to hide the jealousy in his voice.

Ash shrugs. "Sorta. Not really. But when he needs my help I'll help. Though his plans are worse than mine. At least when I jump from a plan I have a plane." He joked. "But no. We aren't a team. He does his work on keeping my father in prison and I bring the organization down." Ash said seriously.

Paul didn't respond which in turn made Electivire sick of this pretending not to care and acting like he was calm and collected when inside he was a mess game his trainer was playing. He shared a look with Pikachu before Paul called him back into his Pokeball.

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