Chapter 15: Moonlight

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Taehyung tries to look away from Jeongguk's eyes because he might just fall on his knees but there's something that doesn't let him look away, a glint or a glimmer---that strong emotion in Jeongguk's eyes that keep him captivated.

"T-Thank you, Jeongguk-ssi for today. I really---I really loved everything." Taehyung utters, gulps as Jeongguk steps forward.

"Jeongguk, call me Jeongguk." The alpha whispers as he stands way into Taehyung's vicinity.


"Say it. Say my name." Jeongguk speaks before Taehyung can, his hand reaching to Taehyung's hair but barely touching. Taehyung breathes shakily, just this proximity makes him crazy.

"Jeongguk." Taehyung speaks, doesn't stutter at all and the alpha feels as if he is drunk in the melodious way Taehyung said his name. Jeongguk pushes Taehyung's behind his ear and Taehyung closes his.

"Jeongguk." Taehyung whispers this time and Jeongguk can't believe that just the call of his name from Taehyung's lips can be his---dangerously affecting and addicting.

"Taehyung." The omega almost whines when Jeongguk whispers his name, leaning into the touch as Jeongguk is now cupping his face.

Taehyung craves for Jeongguk's affection, his touch and his warmth and he knows Jeongguk wouldn't hesitate to give him all of him. The omega's hand rests on Jeongguk's chest because he can't bare to stand away form him, Jeongguk steps closer, does what Taehyung wants him to do, what he himself wants to do.

Taehyung hides his face in Jeongguk's neck, clutching onto his coat as the alpha nuzzles his neck, hands on his back and pulling him closer. Taehyung whines as he feels the tingly sensation of Jeongguk's lips on his neck.

Jeongguk's hand moves lower, over Taehyung's hip and the omega gasps softly when Jeongguk kisses his neck. His hand rests on Jeongguk's nape, wanting more of whatever Jeongguk's doing.

"Alpha---". Taehyung whines and a sparkling rush passes through Jeongguk's body and he growls, his hold tightens on Taehyung.

"P-Please---". Taehyung was close to begging because tonight, he won't let any fear stop him from experiencing something ravishing and beautiful.

"Are you sure?" Jeongguk whispers as he continues kissing Taehyung's neck and now presses a soft kiss on his throat, makes the omega squirm in his embrace with a voiced moan.

Taehyung loves it that Jeongguk is being so careful, asking his permission before he does anything and even if he hadn't asked, Taehyung would have no problem because Jeongguk is allowed to do whatever he wants.

"Yes." Taehyung breathes out and the next moment, he's faced with Jeongguk, both looking directly into eachother's eyes and Taehyung closes his eyes when Jeongguk captures his lips on a forever beautiful kiss.

Taehyung kisses back, tries to match Jeongguk's pace but the other is so bold and firm in the way he kisses him, molds his lips perfectly with his, leaves them both breathless.

Taehyung gasps in the kiss when Jeongguk hooks his hands under his thighs and picks him up. The loves how easily he did it, how perfectly he fits in Jeongguk's arms. They don't stop kissing, can't stop kissing because it's impossible to be apart at this moment.

Jeongguk holds Taehyung in his arms, softly and carefully as if he'll break. Taehyung locks his legs around Jeongguk's waist, wanting to never be deprived of his touch, his kisses---Jeongguk.

The ravenette knows his house like the back of his hand, doesn't really need to look and definitely doesn't want to break the kiss---doesn't want to come down from the high.

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