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"I dont hide it mer, he just doesnt notice" Ultear told the girl beside her
"Ok.... I wont tell him, if he wont notice then he probably doesn't deserve someone like you" Meredy said, almost mocking Jellal for not noticing
"But... What made it obvious mer?" Ultear asked, hoping for a good reason
"You walked away crying when those 2 were about to kiss, that would make it obvious" Meredy answered in a voice unexplainable, but it wad almost like she was hiding something...
"Meredy, Ive been with you your whole life to know what youre like, What are you hiding" Ultear explained, in a serious tone
"Well, you see" Meredy said, as she started to explain

(A/N speaking here-If you remeber, Jellal didnt kiss Erza, he said he had a "fiancée" and stopped them from kissing, that was what meredy explained)

Ultears voice was still a bit shaky due to crying so much, but she managed to chuckle
"Hes such a bad liar" Ultear said, trying her best not to chuckle

It wasnt long before Jellal found the his 2 comrades and asked why they were there
Ultear just said they had a "Mother and daughter talk"
Something Jellal, of course, did NOT understand. When the three got back to their designated meetup, they saw that everyone was on the floor bawling..
Except for, of course, Titania Erza scarlet

It was time to say their goodbyes and leave
Erza was the only one stable enough to manage, so she took responsibility and said goodbye for her comrades

"We must be going now, I guarantee that we will be meeting soon" Jellal told his fellow friend erza as he looked as his guildmates looking for their approval, all of course, agreed that it was time to leave and said goodbye

Jellals Pov
Never in a thousand years i thought i could ever be that foolish!, Erza and I are no match for each other and we know that!, i love someone else! I know i do!
End of jellals pov

"Hey, you two haven't talked since we got back... Is everything ok?" Meredy asked, Talking glances at the two adults infront of her
"Were fine Meredy, just tired i guess" Ultear replied, trying not to make this akward.
Meredy caught on and decided to think of a topic, completely forgetting about Ultears feelings for Jellal
"So jellal... When will we meet this fiancée of yours?" Meredy asked, chuckling, while stuffing a s'more or two in her mouth.
Ultear flinched at Meredys choice of topics and decided to roll with it
"You heard that!?!?!" Jellal said, visibly surprised that Meredy even brought it up
"Oh c'mon, you need to think of a better lie than that!" Ultear said, trying not to cry while she said those words

Ultears pov
There he goes again,
Breaking hearts without knowing

End of Ultears Pov

Jellals pov
I saw the jealousy in her eyes when i responded to meredy, it glowed as tears started forming, No, please dont cry

End of jellals pov

"I'll be back" Ultear said, while wiping what seemed to be tears from her eyes

Ultears pov
I couldn't help but cry, i asked to leave and went to a cliff..... The same cliff i saw Jellals thought Projection, and where i broke down infront of him. This tume was different, Jellal wasnt here to comfort me....
So i sat there, below the tree, and started to sing

I sung quietly and softly, my voice cracking due to my tears nonstop falling

(I dont own invisible, if you would like to know the song she sung, look for the video shown there...thanks!😊)

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