"Eren! You look straight ahead!" Gunther yells.

"Stop screwing up the pace! Maintain your fastest running speed!" Eld says.

"But why?! Who's going to stop her if not the Levi Squad?!" Eren questions.

I sigh and move my horse to run along Levi, I hand him my reins, "One moment," I say and he takes them frowning at me. I look at him, "I'm not going after the titan bitch," I confirm as I crouch on my horses back, apologising so many times in my head. I look at Eren who still isn't looking forward, I jump over and straddle his lap. 

Eren's eyes widen, I grab his face turning him to me. His eyes look down to see me on his lap, "Eyes front idiot," I glare at him and look him in the eyes, "You're new, I get it, I get why you want to help the squads who are helping us. I've had it with your fucking whining Eren! It's getting beyond a fucking joke now," His eyes widen at my words, "Listen to me," I take a deep breath, "We all want to help them, even Levi but you're our top priority Eren. I can't have you getting hurt, do you understand? We may want to help them, but we cannot risk your life in danger. If you open your fucking mouth again, I'm knocking you out cold. Keep the distance, you're slowing us down with all your yelling and being unable to look front. Have I made myself clear?"

Eren nods.

"You're not a kid anymore Eren, you're a soldier. Act like it," I turn around and jump back onto my horse, "I think I scared him more straddling him than my words," I say taking the reins from Levi, "Cheers."

"I think it was probably both," Levi comments as we separate a little to keep up the speed, "Y/N?" I hum, "You have the spark still."

"Shut up," I laugh as we ride.

"The other one is still fighting! If we go right now, we can make it in time!" Eren yells.

I stare blankly in front, "What was that?" I ask.

"Eren! Look only in front of you and keep moving!" Petra says.

"Are you telling me to just close my eyes to the desperate battle happening behind us?! To leave my comrades to their death and run for my life, is that it?!" Eren questions.

"Yes! That's exactly what I'm telling you to do! Obey the Captain's orders!" Petra says.

Eren keeps complaining and Oluo steps in, "Shut the hell up and obey!" Oluo yells at him and I turn to Eren glaring at him, his eyes widen but look behind him again.

I turn forward as we continue to race,'That fucking idiot hasn't listened to a fucking thing I just said'

"Eren?! What do you think you're doing?! You're allowed to do that only when your life is in absolute danger! You promised us, didn't you?!" Petra yells.

I turn to see Eren about to bite his hand, "Do that and you're dead to me," I threaten and he stares at me shocked, "You're a little brother to me, you break a promise to your team you're no better than a fucked-up pisspants brat," I say turning forward.

"Eren, don't," Petra pleaded.

"Eren," Levi calls out, "You're not in the wrong about this. If you want to do it, do it," Levi says.

"Excuse me?" I stare at him shocked.

"Captain?!" Petra says shocked.

"He's a real monster, I know that much and not at all because of his titan power. No matter how much force he's held down with, no matter how strong the cage he's placed, no one will be able to make his spirit submit to their will," Levi says, "The difference in judgement between you and us originates from different rules derived from our experiences," Levi says and looks at me then Eren, "But, you don't have to rely on a thing like that. Make your choice... Will you trust yourself or will you trust me, them, Y/N and the Scouts as a whole?" Levi says and flicks my forehead.

I roll my eyes looking at him, "We don't know which option you should choose. We could never advise you on that..." He sighs a little, "No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you should pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong till you arrive at some sort of outcome, resulting from your choice. The only thing we're allowed to do is to believe that we won't regret the choice we made," Levi tells him looking forward to gripping the reins.

"Eren," I look at me and Petra and I say at the same time, "Trust us..."

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