I stood up and retorted, "No it isn't! Since when?!" Carmen checked her fingernails and replied arrogantly, "Since I said so. Now, is your mom Ladybug or not?!" Everyone was watching this exchange. I was running out of options. Carmen wasn't wrong to say denial means that it's true. At least in this case. Just then, Ms Bustier entered the class and said, "Good morning class. Sorry I'm late. Carmen, Emma, please take your seats." 

Saved by the teacher.

 I breathed a sigh of relief and sat down, smiling to myself. Carmen huffed and reluctantly sat back in her seat. I bent down and took the books out of my backpack, my mind running a mile a minute, trying to come up with excuses to get away from someone when he or she asks me about Mom or Dad. 

"I need to go to the toilet."

"Someone's calling me."

"Ms Bustier is looking for me."

All of those excuses were trash. I'll admit, I wasn't the best liar. I better get better at it soon, seeing as I'll have to lie a lot due to being Ladybug. I straightened again and put my books on my table. Alyssa was nudging me but I ignored her. I knew exactly what she wanted to ask me and I wasn't going to be giving any answers. Suddenly, Ms Bustier spoke and everyone's heads jerked upwards, including mine. 

"There's a message from Ladybug and Chat Noir."

Alan's POV

"Hey dude. What were you talking about with Emma and Alyssa?" Kace asked as I joined him at the bottom of the steps. I shrugged and replied, "Nothing much. Just thanking Emma for the jacket." Kace raised his eyebrows and commented, "You like that jacket very much, don't you? It's 90 degrees out." (Fahrenheit. Not Celsius, mind you.) I shrugged again and replied, "I really don't mind. I like this jacket." 

"Oh..." Kace replied, drawing it out. He raised his eyebrows at me suggestively. I knew exactly what he was thinking. I nudged his shoulder with my own and protested, "Hey! It's not like that at all! I just like the jacket ok? It definitely isn't anything you're thinking about. Get those thoughts out of you head." 

Kace snickered under his breath and I glared at him. He raised his hands in surrender and we walked into the classroom. Everyone was in their seats and talking animatedly about something. Everyone turned their heads to face us as we walked into class. Carmen walked over to me and asked, "Alan, what do you think?" I looked from Carmen to the rest of the class. They were all looking at me expectantly. 

I cleared my throat awkwardly and asked, "What do I think about what?" Carmen's jaw dropped and she exclaimed, "Oh my god Alykins! It is so obvious! Do you think that Emma's mom is Ladybug?" 

Oh shit.

This was a topic I really didn't want to discuss. I managed to avoid it yesterday. Must've been because not a lot of people knew about it yet. Of course, I knew the answer to that question. Mr Agreste is Chat Noir. It only makes sense if Mrs Agreste is Ladybug. She did announce it to the world when Blackout kidnapped Emma. 

I shrugged in reply and went to my seat. Kace followed my lead. He tapped my shoulder and leaned over to me, then whispered in my ear, "What do you really think? About Emma's mom being Ladybug. That would be crazy dude!" I groaned inwardly. Even Kace, my new best friend, had to ask me about Ladybug. I mean, he wouldn't know that I knew who Chat Noir was of course. So I couldn't exactly tell him that.

I was saved from having to answer because just then, Emma and Alyssa walked into the classroom. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at her. Seeing her now, something occurred to me. Did she know who Ladybug and Chat Noir are? I mean, Chat Noir is her father, I'm sure she knows who he is. But what about Ladybug? I have a hunch that Ladybug is Emma's mom, but that's only a hunch. Is it really true?

Book 1: New RevelationsWhere stories live. Discover now