Chapter 11: Movies Part 2

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(This is a long chapter...your welcome 😂)
Eddies POV

I screamed as my arm that had just healed got snapped again. Richie was trying to keep me away from who ever this man was, but he couldn't. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my leg, and I blacked out. The last thing I heard was Richie scream my name.


Two hours later

Something wet hit my face.

"The gay is awake," a man called. I then realized that he had just spit on me. I sat up slightly from the couch I was lying on. It looked as if I were in a small apartment. There were two other men in the room, whom I didn't recognize either of them. All the sudden my leg started to hurt like hell.

"What the fu-" I started but he punched me on the side of my head, making me fall back into a laying position.

"Quite maggot. Now I want you to listen to me, and listen closely. You are in my territory now. You hear me?" I nodded in fear of what this meant, "so you play by my rules," he walked over to a table that was on the other side of the room and grabbed something from it. A bat. One of the other guys in a white shirt that had a couple blood stains on it started laughing.

"Shut up Deven," spat the guy holding the bat.

"Sorry Gavin," he said, still smiling. Were these people psychos? The third guy was still sitting in a chair in the corner completely silent. His back was facing me so I couldn't see who he was.

"We are going to play a game," Gavin said smirking, "okay?" I nodded even though I was pretty sure I didn't want to play this game.

"Good, now it's a very simple game, called hit the gay," Deven started laughing again. My head started spinning. I must of got kidnapped by psycho murderers!

Richies POV

I started to run after him but someone kicked my legs and I fell over. All I could see was blurry, three men running away, one carrying Eddie.

"Stop," I cried trying to raise my voice but I think he had broken my leg, "please..".

Eddies POV

He continued talking, "one of us will be blind folded, and have a bat to hit you with. If they miss three times, you can leave. But if we don't miss," he paused and smiled, "then the game continues until one of us misses three times, or..."

"Or..?" I asked scared.

"Or until you die," Deven then started laughing historically. I was going to die today. I knew that I didn't have much longer, so I imagined myself with Richie. We were at my house, cuddling on the couch while watching a movie from home. I had forgotten where I was for a few seconds until Gavin yelled.

"Game time!" he tied a rope around my hands and feet and stood me in the middle of the room, then blind folded Deven and spun him around a few times. I prayed that he would miss.

Swoosh. I heard the bat swiftly fly through the air. He had missed. Two more tries.

Again, the light sound of the bat hurling through the air.

"Come on where are you?!" He screamed. Gavin started chanting him on.

I wasn't ready for what happened next. The bat had swung hardly into my rib cage. I heard a few snaps of my bones, then a barfed.

"Awesome!" Gavin yelled watching me fall to the ground. Deven took off his blind fold, then handed the bat the Gavin.

Deven roughly stood me back up and put me back to where I was standing a few seconds ago. I was light headed, and the room looked as if it was spinning. I didn't even realize that Gavin had the blindfold on until he hit me in my stomach. This time a coughed up blood. It was like no pain I had ever felt before.

Richies POV

I had blacked out. I wasn't sure what time it was, all I knew was I had to find Eddie. I could barely see anything without my glasses, but I was determined to find him as fast as possible before he got hurt any worse, so I would have to go without them.

I was still a little light headed from the fight, so I tried my best to put the pieces together. When me and Eddie were outside of the theater, there were no cars. And we were the last ones to enter the theater, so everyone there has to have traveled by foot, or bike. Which meant they couldn't have been far. This was all that I could think of.

Come on Richie think!

I needed someone else to help me. But who would believe this? The rest of the losers. I ran outside and jumped on my bike. I figured that Bill would be with Bev at her house, so that was the first place I went.

I ran up the stairs to her apartment, then knocked on the door.

"One s-s-s-second!" I heard Bill shout.

"Bill I don't have time for you and Bev to put your clothes back on! Just let me in!" I yelled back. A minute later the door opened. Bill was standing slightly in front of Bev with an annoyed look on his face.

"Sorry, I ruined.....whatever you were doing in there,"

"We were j-just t-t-talking," he spat.

"Yeah with your mouths on each other. Anyways, I need your help. I think that Eddie is in trouble,"

Bill and Bev looked at me with concern.

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