Sophie sighed, and agreed.

* * *

Riiiiiing. Riiiiiiing. Riiiiiing.

"Hello?" Anthony answered.

"Anthony? Is that you?" Carly spoke with a soft voice as we tried to hold our laughs in.

"Who is this?"

"It's Katie. Your ex girlfriend."

"Katie?! Oh my gosh, how are you?"

Sophie made a snorting sound from trying not to laugh. We silently shushed her and quietly giggled.

"I'm okay. Anthony, I miss you so much!"
Carly fake-sobbed.

"Katie? Please don't cry. I miss you too. So damn much. I wish you didn't move away." Anthony sniffled.

That's when we lost it.

Carly hung up and cackled along with the rest of us.

After about two minutes of crying of laughter and mocking Anthony's voice, we heard the footsteps. Loud footsteps.


"Carly! You're dead!" we heard.

The door burst open with a red-faced Anthony.

He stormed over and threw her over his shoulder.

"I told you not to do that anymore, and you did it again!" Antony seethed.

We were all drenched in tears after laughing. My stomach was sore, and I clutched it as I tried to control my laughter.

We followed him, and soon the guys came out too.

"Anthony, what are you doing?" Jacob asked as he walked out of the boys' cabin.

Our heads snapped to a splashing sound.

"You jerk! Why did you throw me in the damn lake?!" we hear Carly scream.

"You deserve it!" Anthony was now smiling.

We watched Carly climb out of the lake and storm over to us.

"Thanks for the prank suggestion, Lei," Carly seethed.

"You deserved it!" I joked.

* * *
Finally morning arrived, and breakfast was served.

As I munched on my cereal, I saw Blake strolling towards me out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey, Lei! Where's everyone?"

"I don't know," I replied casually as I chewed on the frosted flakes.

I looked over to my right so see Alec winking at me.

Blake pointed his fork between the two of us and chuckled sarcastically, "Oh so there is something going on between you two! I thought it was just a rumor. Well news flash, Alec, she can be a total bi--"

"Wait, what do you mean, rumor?" I asked more accusingly.

Blake sadistically replied, "Oh, just some rumor that you and Alec are sleeping together, no biggie."

"WHAT?!" I stood up abruptly as Blake and Alec cracked up.

"Relax babe, it's not like it won't happen soon. I can turn you on with a snap." Alec sneered.

"You're disgusting."

"That's not what you said last night!" he laughed as I stomped away.

I heard jogging behind me. "Lei, wait up!"

I stopped and crossed my arms. "What do you want, Blake?"

"Can't I walk my best friend to her group?"

"Since when are we ever friends at all?" I started up the trail again.

"You've got a point, babe, but everyone calls it 'sexual tension'." Blake smiled.

"Ugh, why is everyone calling me babe?!" I sighed.

"You're right, I should be calling you a big fat bitch!" he laughed.

"See, maybe this is why we can't ever be friends, Blake."

"Wait, whoa, whoa. Did you actually consider a friendship between us?" Blake asked as he stopped me.

"What?! I didn't say that!"

"It sure sounded like it."

"Well, hear what you want, but we," I pointed between the two of us, "will never be friends. Ever."

Blake paused for a moment, then laughed.

"Leighla, Leighla, Leighla. I don't like you. You don't like me. Everyone thinks it's just sexual tension,"

I cringed at that.

"But what you don't know is that you've focused so much on hating me that you didn't realize who you should be hating.

"And that's Mike."

* * *



Anyways, I want you guys to make a mental note of this:

I really appreciate the votes and followers so much :)

But... not a lot of you have been commenting!

If you want to get something off your chest or you want to speak your mind, feel free, inmates!

Love you guys, and I hope you're enjoying the story ;)

Song: I Want It All- Karmin

Check out Karmin's new song! I love it so much, and I think I really suits Alec and Lei's whatever is going on.


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