"You are such a coward," she yelled.

"I know!" he snickered. "But seriously, guys used to tell me that I am just a small boy that the real bad guys... are horrible" He ran his fingers through his light brown hair as he thought deeply.

"To think of it, why do you act like a jerk in public?"

"Women love guys with a speck of bad boy attitude" he winked. "So why not be a bad boy!" and he gave a badboy-like pose.

"Well, you haven't meant a woman like me" she gripped his wrist and pulled him up. 

"I don't like bad boys but rich boys. Get out!" she threw him out, smiled innocently and slammed the door.

How dare he tell her to accept Don? Doesn't he know  that Don was a crazy man?


Alex's head was resting on his table while he sat on his seat. He hasn't woken up since he fell asleep. Thelma was rounding off her work.

"Aargh!" a low growl echoed. Alex rose his head and massaged his temple with his fingers.

"It hurts!" he whimpered and groaned.

"Are you having headache?" Thelma called from her seat.


Swiftly, she pulled the pain killer tablet from her purse and ran to him.

"Take this" she said and handed the tablet and a bottle of water to him.

He swallowed it and placed his head on the table.

"I will drop you as soon as you're done. Okay?" he whispered.

"No, sir! You are drunk!" she whispered.

"I'm not drunk!"

"You are, sir!"

"Fine! My drive will take you home! Good?"

"Much better!" she smiled and patted his head. She was stunned by the soft and silky texture of his hair. She ran her fingers in it. Her body quivered as a strange emotion disseminated throughout her body.

Alex chuckled, "That tickles!"

"Oh, sorry!" she removed her hands.

"No, please continue! It's comforting" he rose his head and smiled genuinely.

He placed his head down again.

"Mr. Roger, what happened? Why are you gloomy today?" she asked.

He winced and his mouth was set in a hard line. They grew silent and the sound of  nocturnal creatures rented the air. The moonlight permeated into the room and the atmosphere at that moment was cool.

"Please, share it with me. I want to help" she pleaded and slipped her hand into his. She squeezed it tenderly.

Alex rose his head and sat straight.

"I will tell you all" he mumbled. "It hurts to keep it to myself".

He sniffed which made Thelma alert. She wanted to see if any tears would drop. She wanted to know if the great Mr. Alexander Roger could cry and she wanted to be the one to catch that teardrop and comfort him.

"Well, today... Hmm... I mean the date... Well, this is the day my dad died... Like the date not the year" he sighed. "I am sure you understand"

"You mean today is your Father's death anniversary?" she inquired.

He nodded and sighed. She noticed that his eyes were watery and red. Staring into his eyes was like having a needle pierced into her heart.

"The death of my dad was caused by a wicked witch. A beast that led to.... " he trailed off.

Thelma stared eagerly as her eyes also got watery.

"My dad loved my mom. He loved her with all his heart but she was a gold digger. She married him for the money. She never loved him and never loved me" he gasped a little air and continued as tears spilt down his smooth cheeks.

That was devastating. Thelma felt touched. Why? Why was his mother like that?

Something rolled down Thelma's cheeks. She brushed it and stared at the teardrop on her finger.

"On this specific month...on this day but years ago, my mom argued with my dad. She wanted him to sign a divorce paper," he sucked in some air. "She was a model and she was dating different celebrities. She wanted to be free. After an exchange of harsh words, she stomped to the street about to cross the road but there was a fast-moving trunk moving towards her. My dad ran and pushed my mom. He saved her but not himself".

Thelma gasped and took in a deep breathe. She rubbed her eyes and whispered, "And?"

"The car crushed him. Blood spilled like water from a tap. I ran to him only to see him take his last breathe. Days after the funeral, my mom moved on. She forgot completely about me and my father" his bottom lip quavered and he burst into tears. Thelma also shed tears. She hugged him and rubbed his back. She needed to be strong but her heart was weeping for him.

    ~~~Author's note~~~

I hope you cried!! Just joking! 😂

I feel so sad for Alex. He has gone through a lot.

Who is going to mend his heart? Who is going to make him see life in a different way.

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