Chapter 1

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Destruction of the buildings..
Destruction of families..
Destruction of lives..
Destruction of hope..

Everywhere you turned there was destruction..
One man stood in the middle of it all, smiling.
He chuckled sinisterly. He got a call from his radio.

"We have two of the rebels. Edward Gold and Matthew Harvest I think their names were. There was another one but he ran off." a gruff voice rang out out.

Tord smiled.

"Take them to plane 12. I'll call back the army to go to the base." he responded with his thick Norwegian accent.



Everyone, young and old knew what the term meant.
But no one knew it better than the ones who saw as the destruction began. Tom was one of those few.

He leans against a broken down wall. His lungs wanting to collapse but his will pushing them to continue. He just escaped from the Red Army. But he's alone, his friends didn't make it out.

"FUCK!" Tom closes his eyes and holds back the black tears that threaten to fall. He didn't know what he was gonna do, but he'd figure it out. If only he'd saved his friends, he wouldn't be cursing at the sky.

Tom wondered what they were doing right about now.

With Edd and Matt

Matt had passed out and Edd was going on full mama mode.
"Don't touch him! How dare you even think about hurting him!-"

One of the soldiers had slapped some duck tape on Edd's Face.

"Shut up already idiot!"

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