Chapter Four: Breaking into Fort Knox

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Location: UNKNOWN
Date: 20th JULY 2017

"I'm in position" I say into my comms.

"Hold position" Clay replies.

I pull my gun out my holster and screw the silencer onto it as I size up the opposite side of the fence.

A metal fence covers the full perimeter of the grounds, followed by a ten foot wall. The fence is the easy part to climb but the wall will be a bit more of a challenge. On the other side of the wall is where all the guards are so as long as I'm quiet, I can take my sweet time to get to the wall. Well, not exactly. Basically I have four minutes to get in position and assess the area. We've got everything timed but truthfully, I know we won't stick to it but they wanted the plan to be down to the minute.

"Everything's a go on this end" Luke speaks over the comms.

"And on this end" I reply.

I shove my gun back into my holster. Taking a step away from the fence I crack my neck and smile. I love this part of my job.

I sprint forward towards the fence, my feet gliding off the ground as I hurdle myself towards it and vault over the fence. I land with a thud and roll into a standing position which I immediately use to propel myself into a run across the grounds towards the bricked wall a few hundred metres away.

The cold air blows in my face as I tackle the stretch of land. My feet thudding quietly on the concrete grounds. My steps are quick and effortless.

There's a reason why I usually go unnoticed and thats because of how quiet I can be on my feet, even when running along concrete.

The wall comes into my view. There's a section thats maybe two feet lower than the rest. Still a good eight or so feet high but I've dealt with worse.

My feet leave the ground as I hurdle towards the wall. My hands come into contact with the hard bricks on the top. My feet balancing on the wall. Pulling myself up I perch myself on the ledge.

My breathing is fast and hard. I remain quiet and still as I observe the other side of the wall.

"In position" I repeat over my comms.

"What do you see?" Luke asks.

Two guys holding rifles walk past, both are in the middle of a conversation that I can't make out from up here. It seems unimportant as they laugh. The three guards at the door nod to the other two as they pass. I glance at my watch and click the timer.

Studying the other three, I notice one isn't wearing a vest. Strange. He also isn't carrying a rifle like the other two. A gun shape is evident in the back of his trousers. He must not be a guard then. From the others body language he seems important, superior to them. That'll make things easier if its only two of them.

He pats one of them on the shoulder and with that he enters the door. The both look to each other and shake their heads before taking position at either side of the door.

Two guards we can work with.

I glance around the wall I'm perched on. There's no snipers in view.

Something feels off.

It seems too easy.

"Alex?" Luke's voice echoed in my ear.

"Something's wrong" I frown.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Its just- something feels off" I can't grasp what it is but there is something wrong here.

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