Small teasing

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"I'm not broke!" Jeff whined in his stupid voice. "Yeah you are!" I chuckled to him. "As least I can probably drive a car, unlike you, cause you cannot see haha" Jeff snickered, I elbowed his arm. "Look Y/N..." Jeff lifted my chin with his thumb, I sat there, silent. He kissed me.


Jeff immediately pulled back, I didn't fight back for some reason, my heart was racing, Why? He's just a foolish freak ass. "I'm s-Sorry.." Jeff backed away, as I could hear as he stood up from the floor. "Why did you?..." I felt speechless, Confused, a bit nervous. "It was so tempting to decline myself, I promise not to do it again! I swea-" Jeff panicked, as I knew he felt bad. I cut him off from his almost finished sentence. "Shut up" I stood up from the floor to. Didn't know if I was close to him or not. "I l-love you...Y/N...I r-really do! I really am sorry if I did anything to hurt you! You know it's not really my fault, b-because, I can't help

it..I don't have a choice!" He tripped over his words a little. "You don't have a choice?.." I said almost as a whisper, I felt kinda sorry for him, Was he a slave to someone? Was he forced to kill my mom? Maybe, I feel less mad for him now, he probably got threatened. "I d-didn't want to..." He said as he wanted to cry. "Then why did you do it...?" I said as soft as a confused child. "I don't like this life, Y/N.." His tone turned from sadness to a bit of anger. "I just want to protect you, but I can't do that, because he won't let me..." Jeff's tone turned to sadness once again. "Why won't he..?" I asked a bit anxious. "Just, Forget about it..." He went quiet.

What was he talking about anyway?

"Mkay, Whatever you say" you managed to roll your eyes. "Seriously? You're not going to bother me to tell you?" Jeff said in confusion. "Why would I? It's not my business" You sassily responded.

Jeff: "Werid flex but ok"

(Nah fam, lmao I'm joking)

"For the love of Satan, don't give me attitude again." Jeff scoffed. "You're not my dad" you stomped your foot, trying to act tough. "Of course I'm not your dad." Jeff chuckled.

"You're my e-" you began to talk but he said something which made you stop, because it was polite to stop while someone was speaking.

"I'm your boyfriend" Jeff chuckled to himself.

You blushed in embarrassment and said nothing. "I didn't hear a no~" Jeff teased playfully, as he blew air into your face. "WE DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS, EDGELORD MCGEE" you said In angry, also kind of embarrassed at the same time.

Blood Thief(Jeff The Killer X Blind!Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now