Chapter 16

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Isabella's POV

It's been one week. One interesting week since I left LA.

Feelings? They're all over the place. Heart? Constantly fluttering over her. Billie? My growing weakness.

It's quite unfortunate how we started talking the last day of me being in LA and not even in person. Since that day, we've been texting nonstop. I haven't made any new friends in a long while so the whole "get to know each other" conversations seemed like it would be awkward, yet with her it was so natural. Although they're great conversations, truly she's one of my favorite people to talk to now, but whenever she's too nice to me it makes me upset. When I say "too nice" I mean she gives me compliments on say, my appearance or my outfit, and it's obviously nice of her. I can appreciate that, however it does nothing but heighten my crush on her. Now that I know her better I can confirm that I, Isabella Marino Hernandez have a crush on Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell. Who is straight, can't forget that bit.

Usually replying back to comments on my videos puts me in a better mood, but I my mind is only on one subject and it's Billie. I don't even know if I can handle being her friend, well a new friend, for any longer. I'm going to explode. How can I be friends with someone that I can't be with? When I just have the urge to cuddle her. To be with her.


The noise from my phone indicates I just got a text. I glance at the notification and of course, it's her.


You busy right now?

Just replying back to some comments. Why?

Let's FaceTime

And that's when my mind went all over the place. My face. My hair. It's all a mess, I can't face her like this. I mean she's straight so not like how I look will affect her but I still want to look good.


Don't worry about looking good. I bet you look just as hot right now as you did when I saw you in person.

Does she not realize the affect she has on me? She has to know, cause at this point she's just messing with me.

"You can do this. She's just a friend. A normal, no biggie, right? Relax. Be natural." This little pep talk to myself really isn't helping, regardless I hit the FaceTime button. Fuck. Abort! Abort! Abort!

"Heey Bella" I heard Billie's cute, soft, silky voice. I had my laptop on my desk and luckily I was at my closet so I doubt she can see the blushing that popped across my cheeks. "Hey Billie" I say back shyly. What do you say to someone like her? Also when you are crushing on someone like her - oh and yeah to make matters worse she's straight. "Oh come on Bella don't be shy, we've talked for a week." "Okay yes you're right. I'm sorry, I just- I don't know. Anyways um what you up to?" I ask her as I come sit at my desk to give her my full attention. "There we go. Well Finneas and I were writing some stuff. Nothing serious, it's just for fun." And that's the start to a Sunday night filled with great laughs and a lot of blushing from me. Hope she didn't notice.

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