December 25th

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December 25th

Every Christmas Day morning for as long as I could remember, I'd been the first one down to open the presents under the tree. I had always been so excited, even when I got older. It was impossible to not wake up at seven, it had become a tradition. When I was younger I used to run down the stairs and throw myself over the gifts, but when I got older I would just sit in the couch and watch everything. All the decorations an lights and the snow outside the window was really beautiful to watch.

This Christmas Day morning though, I couldn't get myself to leave the bed. I knew that we would eat breakfast and then leave to go visit our relatives in Arizona, but my whole body hurt, both mentally and physically. All because of Gavin.

There was a knock on my bedroom door followed by Oskar calling my name. When I didn't answer he simply just opened my door and walked in.

"I don't know what Gavin did, but he's not worth it!" he said as he sat down beside me on the bed and stroke my hair softly. I had my back to him, but I saw his face in the window beside my bed. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" I shook my head and Oskar sighed. "Look, Wendy, I know you're heartbroken, but it's Christmas Day for god's sake! You have to get out of the bed, open presents and then we're going to Arizona and you can't stay here!" a tear trickled down my cheek as I turned around in the bed facing my brother.

"G-Gavin has a-a g-g-g-girlfriend in N-New Zea-Zealand" I sobbed and Oskar's face darkened.

"For how long has he been together with this bitch?" I gasped.

"Watch your language Oskar!" he smiled a little but continued to call both Sophia and Gavin different names. "Oskar, please stop! I don't hate him, not really... I still love him, I just hate that he doesn't seem to love me back or something like that. I mean, to be honest, I don't even know what I'm feeling!" I sighed as another tear slipped down my cheek. Oskar pulled me up in a sitting position so that he could hug me.

"I know it's hard, but as I said, it's christmas and I don't want you to be sad, not only because it makes me sad, but because christmas is a time where you're supposed to be happy! So get downstairs with me and turn that frown into a smile and we're going to have a good time with our relatives!" Oskar took my hand and dragged me up from the bed. I tried a smile and even though it wasn't real, Oskar smiled back and we went downstairs to open some gifts and eat breakfast with our parents.


An hour and a half later we were all in the car, the car packed to the limit and we were waiting for Oskar to finnish his call to Angelina. None of us wanted him to talk to her in the car, since their calls could get pretty intimate. I was leaning against the car and caught myself several times looking around the street, hoping that Gavin would come running and tell me he loves me. I was still pretty heartbroken, but if he'd come running, begging me to forgive him, I probably would.

"Okay, I'm ready to go!" Oskar announced walking to the car. I felt disappointment fill me as I got into the car, for some reason I was sure Gavin would turn up. Oskar poked my side as he sat beside me in the back of the car. I offered him a smile and he looked pleased, though when I turned away from him it turned into a frown. Our parents got into the car as well and dad started the car, he went slowly at first, since the speed limit was very low on our street. There wasn't a soul outside, most people were probably inside opening presents. When we were a few feet from our house I saw someone though, they were running really fast in the opposite direction. When the person ran past me and I saw his face.

It was Gavin.

I yelled at my dad to stop the car, but he just looked at me in the rearview mirror and shook his head. I continued to yell at him and at last he finally stopped the car and I bolted out, running towards our house. When I got there I was panting, but that didn't matter when I found Gavin standing in front of our house with his hands on his knees, panting heavily. When he looked up and saw me a huge smile spread across his face, but then mixed with a frown.

"Wendy! I was afraid you'd left already!" he panted.

"We had, but I got my dad to stop the car so that I could catch up with you!"

"So you forgive me?" I nodded with a smile and threw myself at him. We hugged and when we pulled away slightly he pressed his lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss. After a while of making out we heard a car honk I figured my family wanted to get going. Gavin understood and let go of me. I asked if he wanted to come with us and said that I could probably talk my parents into it, since he wouldn't even get the chance to celebrate christmas, but he said no. I tried to insist on buying him an awesome gift, but he told me that he didn't need anything more for Christmas now that I'd forgiven him. That made me smile and kiss him again before going back and getting into the car. I waved at him through the window until he was just a dot.


The dinner with my relatives went better than usual, except for the fact that both me and Oskar just wanted to get to the part where we would Skype with our special people. Fortuantely, my great aunts didn't seem to have any 'interesting' stories to tell us this time, so Christmas was nicer than Thanksgiving.

When I was sitting in my uncles living room with my dad's relatives I thought about Gavin and about how much I loved Christmas. I was already counting down the days until next Christmas.

Only 364 days to go.




Well... that's the end of this story. Thank you to the people who've stayed with me through it and voted, that means a lot to me! I don't really have much to say about this... I feel like authors always make long notes in the last chapter, but I don't really feel like it...

One thing though; I will not write a sequel.



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