PREVIEW (Character Breakdown) [NOV 15TH]

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The Series Main Cast :

Sherry Hunter - She is the lead character of this book. She had a perfect family until one night she witnessed her whole family getting killed.She, however, was spared.She will go on a journey to find out who killed her picture perfect family. She works as the Chief Crime Scene Investigator.

The Messenger -The main antagonist of this book.Little is known about this person but everyone in CSBI (CandallState Bureau Investigations) only knows that a serial killer is out there trying to target Sherry and everyone around her.

Samuel 'Sam' Michaels - Sherry's closest colleague/teammate/friend ever since she joined CSBI. He works on the force as the Crime Scene Investigator.

Candice Allen - She's also Sherry's colleague.As an introvert, Sherry is very curious about her ever since she joined the CSBI 5 years ago, making Sherry very new to her surroundings then.Candice works and leads the Technological Professionals

Elsie Turner - Sherry's best friend from their old elementary school. They had lost contacts ever since Sherry moved away but they met again in the CSBI. Elsie works as the Warrants Accountant.

Dan Logan - As a Forensics Investigator , he likes to work with insects and the corpses.(I know its creepy but believe me we need him.)Anyways, he helps the team by finding out the Cause-Of-Death , Time-Of-Death and the Period-Of-Death.
Probably the funniest guy in the team.

Zach Kelsey - Working as the Team Consultant, he helps solve cases at a much swifter speed and with better success with him around.Suffered a lot, making him understanding towards Sherry.

Other casts :
Alex & Sharon Hunter - Sherry's paternal Uncle and Aunt , a retired policeman and diner lady, took care of her in the name of her parents.

Ash Jackson - Sherry's superior who is largely supportive of her.He is in charged of giving her the actions to let her be in the case or allow her to do something.

This series special guest :
Triple Hearts - This series serial killer will be Triple Hearts.A killer who cuts out his victims' hearts and uses their blood to paint a weird heart shape, similar to the one on the book cover.Sherry suspects he is connected to The Messenger but little or no evidence supports that.

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